
not what our founders wanted

by: Sad

As a student from another school and a sister in one of the sororities in the "Crimson White" article regarding bids not being given due to race, I must say I am extremely disappointed. If you honestly believe that this is what our founders had in mind when they created our sisterhood, you have never studied our history. ALL women who share the same values should be able to be included in our sorority, regardless of skin color. All of your sisters elsewhere are ashamed.

Posted By: Sad
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#1  by: zzzzzzz   

Its not the actives. Learn to read. It's the alumnae. It sounds like national representatives from several chapters are already at UA looking into the allegations.

By: zzzzzzz
#2  by: read   

Don't blame the actives. read the article and related threads.

By: read
#3  by: Wow   

Your post is so original and your opinion is valued.

By: Wow
#4  by: Honestly   

every sorority ended up releasing the girl in the article so every sorority is just as cupable. In some ways, the ones in the article are less to blame because it wasn't the actives, it was the alums. And no telling what were the reasons by the rest of the sororities. If it was a decision by actives, then yea, they have a lot to change. But to continue being honest, these are private organizations and membership is selective. There are plenty other girls not choosen that no article was written on because they are white.

By: Honestly
#5  by: So, open up   

shop with a new house. 'Found' your own. Make your own rules and be this new thing that you are so desperately trying to force upon others.

By: So, open up
#6  by: wtf   

When it comes down to it, the members run the chapter, not the alumnae. They are just as much at fault for not standing up and doing the right thing.

By: wtf
by: DidSep 13, 2013 10:26:52 AM

You actually read the article? The alumni were cutting the rush lists without their consent. It's not something they're allowed to do, but were doing nonetheless. The members were blindsided and weren't able to fix the problem (it's very hard to reverse if you know anything about the sorority rush). The sororities made a big issue and now their nationals are all investigating the alumnae interference. This has been explained repeatedly, and you obviously don't have the reading comprehension to understand. The sororities (nine of them anyway) did the right thing to the extent possible, and are still trying. Because of their efforts there will likely be reform, so stop blaming them.

By: Did
#7  by: Hopeful   

Hopeful that something positive will come from all of this! Hope the active members that quit in disgust will reconsider and help change the system both as actives and future alumnae to make sure this doesn't happen again. National headquarters have the opportunity to update policies and procedures. Alabama step up!

By: Hopeful
by: The impressionSep 13, 2013 11:18:19 AM

I got is that some refused to participate in rush and resigned chair positions, rather than straight up dropping, but I could be wrong. If they legitimately dropped then that is extremely principled of them, and I can't say for sure that I'd be able to have the resolve to straight up drop my letters in their situation. Either way, I'm glad to see a major ding in the armor of one of the last bastions of total segregation left in the Greek world.

By: The impression
by: ListenSep 14, 2013 1:51:47 AM

People who quit have no say in changing their group. The ones who stay can change it...not the ones who flounce.

By: Listen
#8  by: oldoldold   

Alums need to remember they aren't 20 years old anymore.

Ladies, you can't relieve your college days, no matter how hard you try.

By: oldoldold
#9  by: mary jean   

Sorority membership is not an entitlement program. For many years, membership has been denied to numerous qualified white girls and nothing has ever been made an issue of this. Denying membership due to race, lack of money, lack of influence, etc. is an unfortunate truth. Why is this now a big issue ? Think.

By: mary jean
by: MarySep 14, 2013 11:14:43 AM

Honey shut the hell up. You just sound arrogant and retarded. Stupidity is bad enough, don't make it worst by being arrogant about your stupidity.

By: Mary

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