
what do you y'all think of akl?


I went to AKL last night and I had a pretty good time. Their house was tiny but at least the pledges talked to me and didn't seem too socially awkward. There was a ton of people jammed into their small house and I saw some thetas, zetas, and alpha gam s. There were definitely a couple weird guys there though... anyways what's AKL's reputation like on campus?

Posted By: wondering
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I have been there a few times and really enjoyed myself. However, they do have about 5-6 guys that seem out of place and should not be in a fraternity. Most of the guys seem to actually care about making sure girls have a good time, but its the weird ones that hold these guys back. Definitely had a good time at our swaps with them though.

By: Honestly

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They're new. It's a Christian fraternity, isn't it? That will give you a non-typical mix of members.


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