
for real doe


Ladies, we don't care about these rankings y'all post or if you think your house is the best or that house is the worst. We care about 2 things: if your hot, if your fun to party with. That's it. Carry on.

Posted By: Truth
Page 1 of 1

I believe that most guys feel this way. The rankings are a jealous and low self esteem issue with the ladies that continue to post them.

By: Thank you

Well said!

By: So true

for those people that read into the "third time is a charm" thing here you go:

The OP is right on

By: #3

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The truth is spoken

By: Finally

Hot girls who party over your self ranked superiority any day. Truuuuuuuu

By: Yes

Hot girls over every thang!

By: Fack yeah

Everyday a new one gets posted. Who cares enough to keep posting this BS?

By: stupid

I care about correct spelling and grammar.

By: Listen

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