
old row sororities

by: or

Old row has the classy, put together girls. If you rush go OLd Row

Posted By: or
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#1  by: Definately   

We believe you're in old row about as much as we believe you're in a sorority at all.

By: Definately
#2  by: Old Row Sororities?   

I know there are Old Row fraternities and there are some sororities that worship them, is that who you referring as Old Row sororities???

By: Old Row Sororities?
#3  by: Old    

Old row had Bachelorettes.....

By: Old
by: 22e2Dec 9, 2019 1:05:17 AM

Old Row guys don't look like Bachelor material at all though. All the male contestants on that show look like guys from New Row

By: 22e2
#4  by: Ole Johnson   

The word "classy" - isn't.

By: Ole Johnson
#5  by: Hm   

With 400 girls in every sorority...there are all types of women in EVERY group.

By: Hm
#6  by: Hmmm   

Not really. They are just Alabama girls, who's Moms all know each other. That's all. Boring.

By: Hmmm

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