
sigma delta tau

by: keeeeeeemmmmmm

sooo to make a long story short I'm trying to figure out the deal with Sigma Delta Tau.... i get that they aren't exactly just like very other sorority, but I'm curious to find out what they do? Do they have regular parties and swaps with fraternities. like do they do fun stuff? are they anti all parties? like whats their deal because I'm trying to figure out if i should wait and rush as a sophomore because i didn't do it this year or if i should go for them. if someone could let me know it would be greatly appreciated!!!

Posted By: keeeeeeemmmmmm
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#1  by: Why not   

Why not go to a couple of their recruitment events to find out? That's what they're for.

By: Why not
#2  by: SDT   

Doesn't mix with top fraternities (mostly off-campus houses), and some people think they don't really count as a sorority, but the girls who go SDT join it for the sisterhood, not tiers and status. They don't discriminate based on race, and they're very affordable compared with the other NPC chapters.

The best advice, though, has already been given: Go to one of their events and see what you think.

by: LonghornAug 31, 2013 3:09:05 PM

I go to UT, and the SDT chapter is in almost the exact same situation. They just tried out formal rush for the first time, and I don't think it went too well.

By: Longhorn
by: Blah blahSep 3, 2013 3:15:57 AM

Well, aren't you just Susie Sunshine? Most of them didn't even go through recruitment. THEY didn't want the "regular" sororities.

By: Blah blah
#3  by: BamaGreek   

My roommate is a Sig Delt. They have swaps not with like ATO but they have full social calendar this year. They participate in all the same stuff as my house like Greek Week and homecoming activities . They are known to take everyone but from what she tells me they were selective and most of their pledge class is like your typical sorority girls. I say give them a shot and if you don't like it rush next year.

By: BamaGreek
#4  by: Abby    

I would say you're probably gonna want to either spring rush or rush as a sophomore!!!!! People are being nice but honestly, unless you totally don't care about reputation and partying with the good frats, you DO NOT wanna be a sig delt.

By: Abby
by: So trueSep 3, 2013 11:10:22 AM

If you want all-white sisters, many of whom you will barely know their names because there are so many, and are so snobbish that only a handful of fraternities will be acceptable...by all means, "save yourself" for one of the 16.

By: So true

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