

by: hinter

if you kids are really so uptight about wanting to know which sororities are backed, how about you take a look at the front yards down the row today and that should answer your question. hint, hint.

Posted By: hinter
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Page 1 of 1
#1  by: hinter hater   

C'mon...what's in their front yards? It's killing me...

By: hinter hater
#2  by: check again   

And do a walk through.

By: check again
#3  by: Yeah    

City election posters for a certain candidate...limos taking voters to the polls...

By: Yeah
#4  by: Uh-huh   

blog.al.com/tuscaloosa/2013/08/sorority_offered_free_drinks_ t.html

blog.al.com/tuscaloosa/2013/08/chartered_limos_shuttling_ vote.html

blog.al.com/tuscaloosa/2013/08/pac_money_student_voter_fr aud.html

By: Uh-huh
by: CrimsonWhiteAug 30, 2013 7:06:26 AM

Women should be leaders and not followers. It amazes me they act like they don't have a brain. Don't confuse power with stupidity.

By: CrimsonWhite
by: ...Aug 31, 2013 6:09:26 PM

I refused to participate in the election stuff when asked. Don't just assume everyone goes along with what they're told bc you're too pretentious to bother understanding how sororities work and why they do what they do.

By: ...
#5  by: backed?   

How bout probation now. Or, loss of charter? How does it feel now to be are part of something that is going to bring the entire house down? Real.smart.chi.o.s.

By: backed?
by: WaitSep 2, 2013 1:12:28 AM

What are you talking about??

By: Wait
#6  by: ?   


By: ?

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