
not a top house

by: PM

For all those who are looking for information on this site, you are probably aware that the name of one of our oldest houses, Phi Mu, shows up as an upper level house on almost every post. Even if the topic is other houses, the name PM is thrown out as rising rapidly and nearing the top.

This is such an irritating thing that the moms and alumnae are doing to try to "help" Phi Mu. Like all Alabama sororities, Phi Mu is a great house. But they are just older and are not rising faster than a speeding bullet. They got a few good girls and a whole lot of girls that had not other place to go. That's not bad by any means, but it's also not how a top house operates.

I personally am writing this because I'm tired of reading about how GREAT pm is.

Posted By: PM
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#1  by: bye   

Someone got dropped

By: bye
#2  by: Wow   

Like, this is literally the DG hate post copied and pasted. You need to get a life

By: Wow
#3  by: Seriously.   

What is wrong with you?

By: Seriously.
#4  by: huh   

Try and find something more important to worry about than where a sorority is ranked. Volunteer work for the less fortunate might be a better use of your time.

By: huh
#5  by: haha   


By: haha
#6  by: ?   

they buy their spot on old row every year

By: ?
#7  by: Jealous   

Wow. Someone got dropped from Phi Mu. Jealous and insecure much? These girls are all beautiful, classy, and fun.

By: Jealous
by: ohSep 1, 2013 6:55:49 PM

youre new here arent you? someone made this exact same post about all the sororities here, even ADX and SDT. it's a joke. someone trying to prove a point but so far it seems to have been lost on everyone.

By: oh
#8  by: Sorry   

Sorry I dont live my life on Greekrank.com like you. So yes, I am "new here" and proud.

By: Sorry

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