


Does any one know which sororities other than SDT and ADX, typically do some sort of continuous open bidding through out the fall semester?

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one really. However there are houses that will do spring. I know for a fact that DG and Alpha Phi have done it, some other houses have done it too. It really just depends on how many members stay and how many members drop or graduate.

By: No
by: ^^^Agree^^^   

Most houses don't do COB in the fall, but there will most likely be a spring rush

By: ^^^Agree^^^
by: ^Yep   

ZTA has also done it in the past, but I wouldn't count on spring rush after such a huge formal recruitment.

By: ^Yep
by: Last year   

ADPi, Zeta, APhi, DG, Gamma Phi, and DZ all took COB girls in spring. Idk if they'll do it again. ADPi took the most girls, but that's probably bc they needed to

By: Last year

They almost all take girls in the spring, it's just that the "big" groups only take one or two and already know who they want.
Of course, if chapter total goes up again, all bets are off.

By: Humph

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by: Last year   

Wrong. All the ones I listed took at least five and they were the only ones who participated.

By: Last year

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