
dke pledging


I got a bid to DKE and want to join but heard they are notorious for hazing bad. Is there any truth to this? I want to pledge but kinda scared.
Don't like scary things.

Posted By: DKE newbie
Page 1 of 3

Are you scared of goats???

By: Goats

What about coffins? Are you scared of being placed in a coffin and then paraded around campus in a mock funeral procession??? But this is just for their formal or something fun like that!!! You don't need to worry about this until after you are initiated!

By: .

Maybe you will get to see a lot of their basement. And listen to odd sounds. And wear some chains or something. 2 chainz!

By: Basement

I was friends with a lot of DKE's at Alabama and heard scary and disgusting hazing stories, but they all survived and loved being in the fraternity though despite it all

By: scary
by: Wow   

Wow I'm glad they survive, what great news!!!!

By: Wow
by: So   

What did they tell you about the goats?

By: So
by: The Goats   

Stop talking about this

By: The Goats

right! several did spend time in the hospital. Honestly, I really like the guys I was friends with but all the hazing stories made me sick

By: scary
by: Oh no    

That's not good. How long ago was this?
Hope he's ok now

By: Oh no

I heard its elephant walks all night long for their pledges

By: Walkin all night

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by: Wow    


By: Wow
by: DKE   

Who are you stupid!, don’t broadcast to the world our rituals!


Is all this stuff about DKE hazing true ??? I'm in a sorority here but my bf is at another school so I'm not as familiar with the fraternities as other girls. I know they have that house near the stadium, but that's about all I know about them. Never knew they were known for horrible hazing! I dont even remember hearing DKEs name being mentioned when those fraternity houses got in trouble last fall for hazing. Guess I just wasn't paying enough attention or something!

By: Omg
by: Dude   

DKE can get away with murder, and only 2 or 3 of the named fraternities actually got in trouble, the rest were geeds from the newspaper calling the hazing hotline to lie. DKE made a public statement defending their pledgeship I think.

By: Dude

I heard they give you a pet goat to take care of and love

By: Goat lover

...haze and get caught, they will be up a creek without a paddle. They wil also sit out all home football games. That is a big price to pay. Eyes will be watching, rest assured.

By: if they..
by: Not worried   

They aren't worried about it. They've been here since the 1840s doing the same things since this. I agree with the above, DKE can do whatever they want, so it seems.

By: Not worried
by: Haha   

is this dude some nard from student judicial services? DKE is almost untouchable at Bama, and isn't it a funny coincidence that the guy who launched the crusade against the Greek system last year resigned almost immediately afterward?

By: Haha
by: They   

would get into trouble initially, but do you really think that the machine and the alumni would let that happen?

By: They
by: Nope   

Hell no. They're DKE, they are UA

By: Nope
by: Good point   

Good point about the last UA president. DKE got cleared when the investigation into hazing allegations was launched, yet their pledge master openly admitted to hazing during a news interview on the steps of Rose. He didn't say "we haze" of course but he did admit to bows and toes and other things that are classified as hazing. The video clip of the interview was even on news websites like CNN. Still, DKE was cleared. A week or 2 later the president was gone and everything was back to normal for the mansion on the hill.

By: Good point

If you pledge DKE you will get hazed and you will get hazed bad. But you never hear of their pledges dropping so I guess it can be done.

By: Hazer

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