


Who gave out snap bids?

Posted By: Wondering
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I heard no snap bids were given out this year

By: Old row girl

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I heard both none and maybe KD. I've heard both

By: .?? sisterhood

I was told EVERY old row house gave out snap bids....


Or did we?
Gosh...I'm not sure.
Can't remember.
Oh well.


Kappa and KD .... KD gave out over 20

By: Wrong

Especially giving some girls from another suburb of Birmingham other than Mountain Brook a bid? Yes, you DID snap bid KD. But it doesn't matter because y'all were here first and are Old Row right? Try again.

By: Really
by: YouKnowItAll   

Uh, being from Mtn. Brook DOES NOT mean you are Old Birmingham!!! Plenty of "newbies" in Mtn. Brook, which is why all the other KD chapters in this state pledge out of all the 'burbs in Birmingham and always have - yep and even a Bessemer girl every now and then!

By: YouKnowItAll
by: Yes   

Bet no Ensleys in a really long time, right?

By: Yes
by: Deb U. Tante   

I remember what a scandal it was a few years ago when they took a girl from -- gasp! -- Mt. Olive. Now you KNOW that was a snap.

By: Deb U. Tante
by: Oh dear!   

It shocks me to see somebody from Bessemer pledging.

By: Oh dear!
by: So   

let me see if I get this - any group that pledges from B'ham other than Mtn. Brook must suck and be giving out snap bids - so that would mean that all the sororities at Bama suck because they have ALL pledged outside of Mt. Brook and at some point in time they have ALL given snap bids. And really, who are they to say that someone sucks just because they aren't from MB?

By: So

Phipi, how many did you give out? You know, snap bids? 50+ is what I heard. And, my source is more reliable than yours.

By: phipi
by: "Phipi"?   

Are you dyslexic?

By: "Phipi"?
by: phipi   

No, I have a twisted sense of sarcasm that you don't seem to understand - lol :-)

By: phipi

48 snap bids but they were to girls we really wanted and were forced to cut by Pan because of our extremely high return rates. We only get to invite back the same number that we can invite to the next round because EVERYONE accepts our invites.

By: Pi Phi
by: sorry   

sorry, not everyone.

By: sorry

Who cares?
Really, nobody.
If you're in, you're in.
Doesn't matter how you got there.

By: wellwellwell

shut up KD, everyone knows you gave out snaps just like last year. It's just that no one got in trouble on bid day this year. Hopefully some of your snap bids will make y'all suck less, or hasten your downward spiral.

By: Please

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