
new pledge classes!

by: Hdjsnba

So which houses had the best pledge classes this year??

Posted By: Hdjsnba
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Page 4 of 5
#31  by: yessssss   

somebody needs to give credit to theta and gamma phi because they got great classes against all odds!

By: yessssss
by: PanGalSep 1, 2013 6:14:03 PM

I agree. These houses always struggle because they're new and still try to take quality girls. They both took a lot of oos girls and they managed to get ones that are decent looking, involved, smart, and social. We'll see how it goes.

By: PanGal
#32  by: lets get real   

kd had 36 snap bids

By: lets get real
by: UmAug 24, 2013 3:26:56 AM

LOL! That's funny.

By: Um
#33  by: best new girls   

old: kappa chi o
new: zeta

By: best new girls
#34  by: Gamma Phi   

Is incredibly diverse geographically -- they even got a girl from Alaska.

By: Gamma Phi
by: ^^^Aug 23, 2013 7:39:49 PM


By: ^^^
by: TrulyAug 24, 2013 1:09:42 AM

I just get tired of seeing the bottom groups disrespected. I think that Gamma Phi, as well as Theta, Alpha Phi, and other bottom groups did really well with great classes this year. I think it improves the entire greek system to have all the houses do well and I think someone needs to recognize that they stepped it up.

By: Truly
#35  by: Hands down   

Old: DDD and AXO
New: AOPi and DG

By: Hands down
by: >Aug 23, 2013 10:45:30 PM

As much as I don't like DG, they did a damn good job this year putting ADPi, DZ, and Theta to shame. Alpha Chi def beats out Chi O, KD, and Kappa. Still not sure how I feel about DDD, but they've improved

By: >
by: Oh HonestlyAug 23, 2013 11:07:16 PM

DG did great... but not the best pledge class on New Row. Stop it!

By: Oh Honestly
by: DGAug 31, 2013 12:36:07 AM

DG has ruined their rep with a lot of greek row because of their constant bragging. It's not polite, it's not good manners, it's not acceptable in southern society. I don't know why the DG alums and moms are on here all the time turning every single comment into praise of DG. They'd have a lot more cred it they'd let other people praise them.

By: DG
#36  by: Best   

Hard to have a bad pledge class at Bama.
How about the PNM with a DUI the night before pref? Or maybe it was more than one.

By: Best
by: vivid Aug 24, 2013 7:01:20 AM

You have a vivid imagination and live in a fantasy world. Enough with all the bs crap.

By: vivid
#37  by: bama   

what about AXO's new pledge class. hear there were some questionable reps.

By: bama
#38  by: Word around town   

KKG and DG are a bunch of sloppy drunk girls that don't follow the rules. A bunch of Zeta girls are having problems with one another, just a mess. DDD pledges are extremely rude to other houses. From what I have heard the best girls are Phi Mu and AXO, the boys love them and there have been no major issues with the pledges.

By: Word around town
#39  by: DG   

Maybe last year some issues with sloppy drinks, none so far this year....KKG absolutely nothing new

By: DG
by: MostAug 31, 2013 6:24:48 PM

of the sloppy drunks from DG aren't in the house anymore for various reasons. Which is probably a good thing for their house

By: Most
#40  by: DG   

Maybe last year some issues with sloppy drinks, none so far this year....KKG absolutely nothing new

By: DG

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