
new pledge classes!

by: Hdjsnba

So which houses had the best pledge classes this year??

Posted By: Hdjsnba
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Page 3 of 5
#21  by: All   

All houses have great new girls!

By: All
#22  by: OMG   

Theta, Alpha Phi, and Gamma Phi had the best they've ever had! Congrats to all!

by: ^ AbsolutelyAug 19, 2013 11:19:19 AM

When huge recruitment numbers, tons of quality girls, and the ability to keep an open mind combine, everybody benefits.

There will always be tiers, but objectively speaking, it just can't be said anymore that Bama has any bad sororities.

By: ^ Absolutely
#23  by: top    

Old Row: DDD and KKG
New Row: AOPi and ADPi

By: top
by: ObviAug 19, 2013 11:49:13 AM

an ADPi bc there class is NOT the prettiest at all

By: Obvi
#24  by: Toss up   

Prob Alpha Gam and Tri Delt

By: Toss up
#25  by: Best PC   

So many wonderful and classy women went through rush this year! I'm so impressed with all the new PC! Congratulations girls, we are all so happy to have you as members of sororities at UA!!!

By: Best PC
#26  by: My guess   

DDD or AGD had the best

By: My guess
#27  by: Hello   

By the looks of that pledge class, did DDD pledge a guy? Heard from Mobile.

By: Hello
by: No guyAug 21, 2013 12:00:48 AM

No, thats just one of the DKEs a DDD pledge is dating. He thinks since he's a DKE he is worthy to be in every pic ...typical mobile dke

By: No guy
by: HelloAug 21, 2013 11:44:43 AM

Why is he wearing make-up? Think it's a SHE!

By: Hello
by: Just aAug 24, 2013 9:01:11 AM

No SHE...just a DKE
and if they look they're wearing makeup it's def a DKE

By: Just a
by: HelloAug 30, 2013 8:09:04 PM

Sorry, meant to say ChiO. That ChiO pledge from Mobile looks like a guy!

By: Hello
#28  by: New PC picks    

AOPi and DDD

By: New PC picks
#29  by: willy01   

DDD and KD both had pledges show up so drunk to the stadium, Executive board was called over and the new pledges were forbidden to run to the house with the rest of the pledge class. Best news is they were partying all night at TUT with current sisters! Huge recruitment infraction with penalties on the way. So low class.

By: willy01
by: not trueAug 21, 2013 9:54:29 PM

thats a rumor starter if ive ever seen one. way to go troll but no one believes you.

By: not true
by: ActuallyAug 22, 2013 1:58:57 AM

It is true. There were a ton of pre-bid day parties thrown by houses that shouldn't have been including DDD and KD

By: Actually
#30  by: um   

ZTA! they have had the best pledge classes for 3 years in a row now

By: um
by: NoSep 1, 2013 6:26:47 PM

Absolutely not

By: No

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