
new pledge classes!


So which houses had the best pledge classes this year??

Posted By: Hdjsnba
Page 2 of 5

I don't know about the best, but I was surprised that Gamma Phi got a such a good looking pc. Congratulations to them. I'm happy to see that they're getting better each year.

By: best?

Amazingly cute pledge class at AOPi - what a great group of gals!

By: Amazingly cute

Tri Delta and Alpha Gam have amazing new girls

By: Best PC

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Alabama panhellenic voted PHI MU as #1 pledge class. Enough said

By: #1 PC
by: well   

Thats not even a thing. What is wrong with you? Making up stuff to either make the org you mention look bad or just trying to fill everyones heads with lies. EVERYONE had great pledge classes and of course each house thinks they got the best sooo this whole topic, as well as most of the topics on here, are irrelevant.

By: well
by: WHAT   

This makes phi mu look so pitiful...stop. Just stop.

by: hahahaha   

What a hilarious LIE. You are right this does make phi mu look pathetic!!

By: hahahaha
by: XQXM   

I am not phi mu, but the person who posted this clearly isnt either! wake up people this is just someone trying put a target on another house's back.

by: I have seen    

Phi mu's new pledges posting this everywhere. Instagram and twitter. Why would phi mu tell these poor girls this. They look absolutely stupid.

By: I have seen
by: true   

No the older girls told us its true sorry your not number one

By: true
by: The older    

girls obviously don't know what they're talking about. Panhellenic would never do this bc it could be biased or cause a rift bw a greek life we're trying to keep united. Obviously, you need to get with it

By: The older

Your sorority is not listed on here, I have so much more respect for your house. Girls, chill with the self
promotion. You look so basic.

By: If
by: actually   

The problem is people know thats how people think now. So other people will make posts that mention another house to make it look like that house is posting about about themselves. You just cant tell anymore it's terrible how people do so much to make another house look bad.

By: actually
by: Agree   

I agree with actually. I honestly think more people post on here pretending to be in other sororities or to make other groups look bad.

By: Agree
by: Yes!   

I guarantee it's rarely someone from that particular sorority posting. They just post things pretending to be that sorority so then they have a way to flame on the sorority they want to bash. Most of the threads started are only started to give a platform to bash a particular sorority. Even the ones that start of with "just wondering or just a question". I hope to God people are intelligent enough to realize this.

By: Yes!

Anytime you see a posting saying that "XYZ house thinks" or "XYZ house is posting that..." you know it's just an excuse by another house to bash XYZ. People think they're so clever, but they're really just annoying and transparent.

By: ???

Missed quota by one. Nanny-nanny boo-boo!

By: KD

Visited 8 houses, average bac of about .4. Based on looks alone I would say Tri Delt and Phi Mu has the best looking pledge classes. That does not make them the best though, this site needs less generic questions.

By: Guy
by: DDD   

DDD= multiple chubbies

by: Ewwww   

No phi mu did NOT have the best looking pledge class. A few pretty girls, but the majority...no, just no.

By: Ewwww
by: Well DDD   

DDD multiple chubbies!? Haha! You obviously are blind, have them confused with someone else, or are quite jealous of their new PC. If you look at their FB, you can see pics of their new PC. This might help you not be so confused. All the houses had amazing PC this year. Congrats to all the new girls.

By: Well DDD
by: uh   

No, there are a lot of chubby girls. You must be the blind one here

By: uh

pledge classes are not good based on how attractive the girls are, that's just shallow. grades, personality, ability to hold a conversation with someone without sounding like an idiot are all factors too.

By: ha

new row= zeta
old row= tri delta

By: my choices

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