

by: bama

I'm a northern girl attending bama next fall and am rushing. Opinions on where I would fit in the best? I'm a rich pretty brunette with a designer taste! I'm worried I won't find a sorority that will take a northern girl.

Posted By: bama
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#1  by: good luck   

Phi Mu and KKG would be good for you!! KKG takes out of state more but you need money and connections. Phi MU is the same

By: good luck
by: wowAug 18, 2013 9:17:02 AM

isn't that the truth? Money and connections. Sounds like a good recruitment system.

By: wow
#2  by: yo   

yo retards, obviously shes not going to loud mouth about her wealth to the sorority sisters shes trying to impress right when she walks through the door, shes just trying to give the board an accurate representation of herself. have you ever even been to the north? its tacky to talk about your wealth up there too, that is not a thought process specific to the south. ADUUUURRRRR

By: yo
#3  by: why   

Why don't you enjoy your current place in life right now and worry about BAMA houses when you get here.

By: why
by: Ok?Sep 3, 2013 10:27:31 PM

and be critizied for coming to the this site to late to ask questions

By: Ok?
by: ^^Sep 3, 2013 10:50:15 PM

This site is a joke and the info on here cannot be trusted. OP, do your homework somewhere other than this site.

By: ^^
#4  by: Seriously   

Go to Greek Chat. Tons of info over there about Bama.

By: Seriously
#5  by: Listen   

You don't choose them. They choose you.
And yes, the all take Yankees.
Relax, kiddo.

By: Listen
#6  by: @7   

I agree. At least on greekrank, most of the responses come from people who go here. Some are rude, sure, but they're just immature. At greekchat, there is a mafia of 50 year old women who run it and are merciless to people asking questions. They have a hidden set of rules and if someone violates one --- OMG!

By: @7

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