

by: Pledges

Girls- Please post whenever you find time today...what sorority you received a bid from. Thanks!!

Posted By: Pledges
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Page 2 of 3
#11  by: Thrilled   

to be an Alpha Gamma Delta! 2 was AXO and 3 was DG

By: Thrilled
#12  by: Thrilled   

to be an Alpha Gamma Delta! 2 was Pi Phi and 3 was DG

By: Thrilled
#13  by: Anchors away!!   

Got DG :) put AXO and DZ as my 2nd and 3rd

By: Anchors away!!
#14  by: THETA LOVE!   

I GOT THETA!!!! My first choice since day 1! I'm a theta, she's a theta... Wouldn't you wanna be a theta?!

#15  by: yeah   

i got dg 2 was alpha phi 3 was theta
so happy

By: yeah
#16  by: Yay!   

Aphi! Love my sisters! 2 was xo and 3 was DG. Would have been happy with any, but thrilled with what I got!

By: Yay!
#17  by: pnm   

got xo 2 was kappa 3 was phi mu

By: pnm
#18  by: Loving   

that it seems many people picked chapters that are new or "lower" over some others. Really shows how strong every house is and that everyone fits in somewhere differently than others!

By: Loving
#19  by: soooo happy   

IM A PHI MU!!!! it was not my first choice but im sooooo happy anyway! Listed Tri Delt first and AOII third!!!

By: soooo happy
#20  by: Love My Sisters   

OMG I got AOPI...I LOVE ALL of my sisters!!! Cute and Fun Everyone. My Rush at Alabama was Awesome!!! Thanks Mom and Dad for celebrating this great day with me and Congratulations to all of the girls in my group that got the sororities that they wanted. I JUST LOVE ALABAMA!!! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!

By: Love My Sisters
by: ClassyAug 17, 2013 10:51:30 PM

Classy post...congratulating others and not embarrassing the other two sororities that you didn't choose.

By: Classy

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