

by: Pledges

Girls- Please post whenever you find time today...what sorority you received a bid from. Thanks!!

Posted By: Pledges
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Page 1 of 3
#1  by: finally!   

DG! My grandma is just as excited as me lol. had XO 2 and APhi 3.

By: finally!
#2  by: Bid day!!!   

I'm an AXO! Had phi Mu 2 and Zta 3!!! Loveeeee my new plege class!

By: Bid day!!!
#3  by: Congratulations!!!   


By: Congratulations!!!
#4  by: Yippee   

I got my first pick Gamma Phi Beta, Pi Phi 2 and Alpha Phi 3

By: Yippee
#5  by: Awesome   

Congrats ladies!

By: Awesome
#6  by: So Happy   

Alpha Delta Pi, so thankful. I've loved these girls from day one!!

By: So Happy
#7  by: Gamma Phi   

I got Gamma Phi Beta! I excited about the girls in my pledge class. They are from EVERYWHERE. My "recruitment buddy" got Pi Phi, and I am super happy for her!

By: Gamma Phi
#8  by: Yay!   

Aphi! I love it. SO happy to see all my friends getting bids and starting Greek life!

By: Yay!
#9  by: Congratulations   

Congratulations Gamma Phi Beta....I heard that they got a Great Pledge class this year. The competition was tough....a lot of girls got dropped and didn't get a bid.

By: Congratulations
#10  by: Excited   

Alpha Gamma Delta!!! 2 was AXO and 3 was ADPi

By: Excited

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