
dropped you before you wanted them too


Want to hear from former pnms the house that dropped them “earliest” that upset them the most/one they thought they really wanted.

And, what their card looked liked.

So complete the sentence....

House XYZ dropped me before I wanted. And in general, I had a full/some openings/deep cuts on my card. \n\n\n\n\n

Posted By: Annoyed.
Page 1 of 1

KKG dropped me early on and I was disappointed because it is my legacy house (however, my mom didn't go to UA). In general I had good rush and ended up in a house I love, but i definitely felt the disappointment that comes with being dropped by houses that seem like a great fit/not having a full card the whole way through!

Lesson of all of this- keep your head up, PNM. Even if the "perfect" house (in your eyes) drops you, you will still find your home! Everything happens for a reason, and clearly that house just wasn't meant to be.

Also in no way am I trying to throw any shade at kappa in this post. They're an awesome house with awesome girls and my opinion on that doesn't change simply because that's not where I ended up :)

By: B

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I’m OOR and had a great rush/full card all the way through and mostly was getting the houses I wanted each round.

APhi dropped me after Philanthropy although I had them relatively high/wanted them back for Sisterhood.

Back then with three at pref, had two “top” OR and one new row, and to make a point at least one is considered a “looks” focused house.

I know this may get all kinds of down votes/comments, but posting to show despite what people think about ranks/returns recruitment is sometimes surprising.

Glad I’m where I am, but that APhi drop still just bugs me.

No shade APhi, but probably would not have gone there at the end, but wanted another chance to see what you were about. Just want to show during recruitment you are more selective than what’s portrayed here. True of other house too and pnms need to be prepared for that!

Again don’t want to be negative and won’t call them out, but a certain “respected” OR house stayed on my card much longer than I wanted despite me ranking them relatively low each round. Showing selection doesn’t just follow GR OR rankings.

Point is, it doesn’t usually go as you may think.

Have fun. Panlove!

By: Honest.
by: hmmm.....   

I think you're a A Phi trying to boost up your sorority. Don't bother denying it. It's painfully obvious. In fact one of your sentences gives it away completely.

By: hmmm.....
by: um   

Prob not considering they said they wouldn’t go there in the end... and

By: um
by: Yep   

She's an A Phi.

By: Yep

DDD - liked the house but they dropped me after IWT.

Have an older sister with a former DDD room mate and they didn’t get along at all.

Full card.

By: Hmmmm

I had two that crushed me. I wanted Tri Delt or Chi O so badly and both cut me after philanthropy. I pushed on through the week and ended up in a different OR house. I’m very happy where I am, but would be lying if I said I don’t still wonder why I was dropped.

BUT everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we don’t know what the reasons are at the time. So however upset you are, or frustrated you feel, just stick with recruitment and give your remaining houses a chance. Wherever you end up - that’s where you’re supposed to be!

By: CC

Rho Chi close friend and I wanted ZTA.

She got it and I didn’t, was dropped after sisterhood. I went OR though.

Love my house and we are still close and share friend groups between houses. It worked out for all! \n\n\n\n\n

By: Friends
by: Whew!   

Thank goodness you got a bid to an OR sorority! When I was reading this I was hoping you wouldn't have a bad ending and have to go (shudder) NR!

By: Whew!

I'll be 100% honest, I was pc 17, had pretty much full cards each round but pref I only had 2. One felt extremely right, I had loved it there from the beginning, had friends in the house, and had a strong connection to their philanthropy. My second one I didn't love or hate, it was just ok. I never even really considered I might get my second choice because my first choice felt so right. But I ended up getting my second choice which made me realize I REALLY didn't want to go there. But I wanted to be in a sorority so badly so I went to bid day, then went back to my dorm and cried and all day the next day because I was so overwhelmed, confused, and just didn't feel connected to the girls.

Here I am now and I do have moments when I have those "it all worked out, I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else" moments, but if I'm being 1000% honest, I do feel like I fit in better with my friends in the house that didn't give me a bid. The pros are that it's still worth it to be in any house here, I like the girls in my house, have met awesome girls in my chapter at other schools, and it's been fun to be a part of a sorority. But the cons are I still don't feel very close to many girls in my house, and while I have fun with them, I don't see myself staying in touch with them after college.

All this being said PNMs, I think I definitely made it harder for myself. In the first few weeks of the NM period I was so hung up on the other house that I wanted that I didn't fully throw myself into the house I got, so while my pledge class was all growing close I was sort of isolating myself. Do not be like me. Go in wanting the idea of being in a sorority in general, not the idea of being in a certain house. You will have a much better experience that way, because you really do get out of it how much you put in.

By: Honest
by: O   

Long read but dang that hit close to home for me

By: O
by: ItsHard.    

Think it’s almost easier for out of state and out of region pnms becaise houses are more neutral at the start and it’s hard to feel a close bond after just a few short conversations.

The more you know girls or about houses coming
In the more likely you may feel stronger bonds to one. And, the more likely to have a story like the one above.

By: ItsHard.
by: Min   

Honestly these emotions can happen even if you get your favorite, house.

I got "that" house where I really saw myself.

But at fisrt it wasn't easy. On my pledge class trip My roommate and I really did not click, and the group of girls in a quad on my dorm floor who were also pledging my house were nice, but took a this is our group attitude. Away from home for the first time, dealing with tough classes, etc., and the first month was hard, wondered if I picked the wrong college let alone sorority!

I did get a great big, and found my fit and group in the house -eventually.\n\n\n\n\n

By: Min

Expected this to be full of AXO and PhiMu posts!

By: Hmmmm

Thanks for sharing these - it is so helpful to hear other's stories.

By: hhjj

Alpha phi

By: Gamma

Not necessarily a favorite coming in but I really like XO, am a typical XO and was dropped after IWT. It stung and still has me wondering why even now. I am in an OR house and have a few XO friends. I am a great fit and love my house but would have been fine in XO too. Just stuck with me all this time that I didn't get past that first party. Cut later I'd get but after IWT??? It leaves a bitter taste and in some ways it impacts my impression of all XOs now as a result. It shouldn't and it is all part of recruitment but still. It is all so random and after being on the other side twice now I understand it happens but still first round. FU XO. No jk

By: XO

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