
sororities colonizing soon?

by: baaaaaaa

Are there any sororities planning on colonizing next fall or fall 2015? Tri Sigma? Sigma Kappa? AXiD?
What do y'all think??

Posted By: baaaaaaa
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#1  by: Well   

Sigma Kappa and AXiD would be the best choices probably, they are probably the most prominent national sororities not already at Bama, and have both been here before.

By: Well
#2  by: wait   

AXiD and SigKap are both at Auburn, so they probably have the resources...

By: wait
by: Yeah, butAug 11, 2013 4:02:49 PM

Auburn doesn't have houses either.

By: Yeah, but
#3  by: I think   

AXiD will NEVER return to UA. Sigma Kappa would be the most likely. DPhiE does not have the resources.

By: I think
by: I agreeAug 11, 2013 4:12:59 PM

While I think the chances of another colonization are highly unlikely, I could see Sigma Kappa before I could any other NPC. AXiD has a terrible track record in the SEC -- Auburn is their only remaining chapter (used to be at Bama, Ole Miss, UF, UGA, Kentucky, and Tennessee), and they're at the bottom there. SK is middle/lower-middle at Auburn and strong upper-middle at UGA, and they just recolonized at Mizzou.

By: I agree
#4  by: hmm   

I don't know about any recolonizing. SK is most likely. SDT is trying to revamp their rep, so I guess their situation is like colonizing in that they're taking all class ranks to try and fill their house

By: hmm
by: @hmmAug 11, 2013 9:16:04 PM

Bama is open for NPC extension and has been for a while. Delta Phi Epsilon is the only group that has presented since APhi and DG came back.

By: @hmm
by: yepAug 12, 2013 12:00:14 PM

I believe DPhiE was invited to present, and did, but was not chosen.
UA is still open for extension...not sure anyone group has shown interest. They may be waiting for houses to literally move. Maybe next year, once APhi and GPhiB move into their new houses?

By: yep
by: NiceGirlonRowAug 29, 2013 5:58:46 AM

DphiE died at Georgia. Sigma Kappa has hugely improved at Georgia. Of course, AGD is strong here but fourth-tier in Athens. Every campus is different.

By: NiceGirlonRow
#5  by: land   

there are2 spots still open on the new sorority alabama map

By: land
#6  by: quillgirl   

Alpha Xi Delta has chapters at UAB and Jacksonville State as well as Auburn. Sigma Kappa only has Auburn although they will be colonizing at Spring Hill. AXD has been at Auburn longer. I hope AXD national will bite the bullet and come back to Alabama. They both have Lilly prints and some of your other groups don't! Maybe bring both groups back at the same time. I think Arkansas did that recently.

By: quillgirl
#7  by: quillgirl   

^I mean bring in two groups, not AXD and SK specifically.

By: quillgirl
#8  by: DPhiE   

I don't think it's true that they didn't have the resources to recolonize here. They're recolonizing this fall at Indiana, which is technically more competitive than any SEC school. They'll be starting off unhoused, but they'll have to build eventually if they want to remain viable, and they knew that going in. As far as housing at Bama, they could have eventually taken one of the old houses of the groups that are building new.

At the end of the day, I think it just boiled down to them not being a good fit for Bama.

By: DPhiE
by: GuestAug 25, 2013 9:16:04 PM

How is Indiana more competitive than any SEC school? Explain.

By: Guest
by: ^Aug 25, 2013 9:47:40 PM

They require 4 year live in bed quota, which limits the size of the houses considerably. Even with 21 national sororities, something like half the girls don't get bids.

By: ^
by: ^ YepAug 25, 2013 10:21:15 PM

They do "bed rush" instead of quota and total -- most chapters take only as many new members as there are vacancies in the house. As a result, most groups have memberships in the low 100s, but about as many PNMs go through recruitment at IU as they do in the SEC (around 1,700 went through last year). Hundreds of girls go bidless, even after pref.

Having a house is vital to the sorority culture there, because with the exception of (I think) ADPi, all the housed chapters require members to live in all four years. The two newest groups, ASA and Theta Phi Alpha, are currently unhoused but have house plans in the works.

By: ^ Yep
#9  by: Except   

There's no incentive for sororities to downsize by added 2 more groups. In fact, the bigger the house, the more members are needed to pay the mortgage and operating costs. It's getting to where you NEED a 100-member pledge class every year to meet expenses.

By: Except

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