
top sororities in the sec and southern schools

by: Yep

Top SEC and southernsororities are:

University of Florida- Zeta. Adphi, KD, DDD,

University of Georgia-- KKG, Phi Mu. Theta, Adphi and KD

University of Kentucky-Thera, Chio, DG, Adphi , DDD

University of Missouri- pi phi, Chio, DDD, Theta KKG

University of South Carolina- adphi, KD, chiO, DDD , Zeta

University of Tennesse- KD, Tri Delta, Phi Mu, (Dz- Aopi- toss up)

Vanderbilt- Theta, Kappa, DDD, KD, pi phi

University of Alabama- AXO, phi Mu , KD, DDD, Kappa

AUBURN- phi mu, KD, Chi o. Alp6Gam and ADPHI

University of Arkansas- ChiO, KKG, Pu Phi, Zeta KD

LSU- KD, DDD, Chio, Alpha Gam DZ

Ole Miss-KD, DDD, Phi Mu, Chi , Dg or KKG

Mississippi State- KD, Chio, Phi Mu, DDD, DG

Texas A&m- Zeta,KKG, DDD, DG and ChiO

This is for the SEC schools - however KD, Ddd, Phi Mu and ChiO are the strongest sororities overall in the south\n\n\n\n\n

Posted By: Yep
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#1  by: Hunh?   

ADPhi is a fraternity. If you mean ADPi....then get your Greek alphabet together and know what you are talking about. SMH

By: Hunh?
by: SCDec 12, 2022 10:51:33 AM

This person clearly hates ADPi. ADPi is the first sorority that ever existed and was formed in Macon, GA and continues to be incredibly strong at most southern universities.

Don’t hate us cause you ain’t us!

By: SC
by: NoDec 13, 2022 12:21:39 AM

Being the first sorority and being a top sorority are two completely different things.

By: No
by: NoDec 13, 2022 12:21:45 AM

Being the first sorority and being a top sorority are two completely different things.

By: No
by: ADPiDec 16, 2022 1:16:31 PM

ADPi was the first secret society for women. They didn’t have greek letters when they were founded. Kappa Alpha Theta was the first to be called a women’s fraternity and the first to be founded with greek letters. Gamma Phi Beta was the first to be called a sorority.

All of these are something to be proud of. Theta and Gamma Phi don’t brag about the marks they made in history so I respect them much more than ADPi who don’t understand the history of their own organization.

By: ADPi
by: yepDec 19, 2022 1:47:51 PM

this is accurate

By: yep
by: reallyDec 27, 2022 10:16:40 PM

this is more accurate than the corrected list

By: really
#2  by: SMH too   

Somebody is spending way too much time doing 'research' on greekrank. What a waste of brain cells.

By: SMH too
by: YES!May 27, 2019 12:12:44 PM

Thanks for noticing all the hard work I put in to being a good troll for you all. It takes a lot of time and commitment to read all these greek rank sites, creep on everyone's Instas, and find things to post about on each and every site.

It's about time I got some recognition for my hard work.

By: YES!
#3  by: ridiculous   

lots of these are wrong but no one cares anyway. people only care about the house they're in at the school they attend, not what's going on anywhere else.

By: ridiculous
#4  by: Well   

Most of it is correct but all we care about is Alabama

Axo, phi mu KD, kkg and DDD

By: Well
by: LolDec 12, 2022 7:16:24 PM


By: Lol
by: try againDec 13, 2022 12:22:56 AM

KD and DDD don’t belong on that list.

By: try again
by: heyyyDec 13, 2022 9:27:07 PM

KD and KKG don't belong on this list...

By: heyyy
by: truth Dec 27, 2022 3:56:46 PM

this one is more accurate as far as the list except LSU does not have alpha gam and its Theta not thera for UK - several sororities are spelled wrong that is why I think a troll made this list

By: truth
by: LSUDec 27, 2022 4:01:19 PM

Maybe thera is a local lol

#5  by: lsu   

lsu doesn’t even have alpha gam

By: lsu

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