
not a top house


For all those who are looking for information on this site, you are probably aware that the name of our newest house, Delta Gamma, shows up as an upper level house on almost every post. Even if the topic is other houses, the name DG is thrown out as rising rapidly and nearing the top.

This is such an irritating thing that the moms and alumnae are doing to try to "help" DG. Like all Alabama sororities, DG is a great house. But they are still just forming and are not rising faster than a speeding bullet. They got a few good girls and a whole lot of girls that had not other place to go. That's not bad by any means, but it's also not how a top house operates.

I personally am writing this because I'm tired of reading about how GREAT dg is.

Posted By: DG
Page 1 of 2

You may not think so, but the girls in DG like their sorority and consider it #1. Get off your soap box. You don't run this site. Brag on your own house and stop speaking of others. I'm tired on hearing you rant.

And, no, I am not a DG!

By: imo

Also, FYI, there will be girls that CHOOSE DG as a house. It is not "leftovers". Girls will also CHOOSE other new row houses. Not everyone wants to be caught up in having their life formally arranged for them. Ugh.

By: imo

....still irritated with you. So exactly how does a "top" house operate? All PNMs want to join only 1 or 2 houses and then those houses get to pick only the PNMs they "want" leaving the other hundreds of girls as "leftovers"? That isn't a top house; that's a prearranged and narrow minded house afraid to step outside the box. Whatever.....

What you need to realize is that not all people think the way you do or have the same desire as you. There are people that are happy and don't require a "top" house in order to remain happy.

You must not be happy with your house or you would let DG be.

By: imo

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of the quality of girls I've met, I'd say DG is beating all of old row from a pnms perspective. A lot of old row is too snobby for me

By: In terms
by: ???   

This is the kind of problematical posting that she is talking about. DG is not "beating all of old row." That's ridiculous OVER THE TOP. Maybe some girls come to Alabama wanting to be DGs, but I'm going to say that many more come wanting to be old row.

By: ???
by: Not true   

I'm actually from Birmingham (so not OOS), but I knew before I even got here old row wasn't for me when I rushed. That said, I guess I'm not into that whole idea of having to always be "traditional" all the time. There's a reason some ideals die out. Being from Mtn Brook or Alabama doesn't change the fact that I wanted a new row house.

By: Not true

I am am member of a New Row Sorority and I think that it it horrible that someone would make such a distasteful discussion post about DG. They are lovely Girls and they are going to have a Great Rush!! Beautiful House, Beautiful Sweet Girls and Involved. Whether you like it or not...they are a rising star in the Greek System. BTW---We lost a dear sister in a tragedy and the DGs were the only ones to send us words of support and compassion during a difficult summer for us. They are a Class Act!!

By: Cruel
by: <3   

My heart goes out to you and your sisters over the loss of your beloved sister. You have a great and well respected house. Sweet girls! Sending love and good thoughts for a great recruitment. From: New Row house.

By: <3

I have decided you were dropped by DG, thus the ill will. You certainly are not of their caliber or of any other UA sorority. I hope you get exposed REAL soon.

By: imo

I feel that the rankings of DG are a bit high. That said, they are doing well and have some fabulous girls. They are going to rise quickly because, like Alpha Phi before them, they have a strong national and strong alumnae support. Yes, there may be some high rankings...but who is to say SOMEONE else isn't doing it to make them look bad? Does it really matter? It is one thing to think they are a bit over ranked...and another to insinuate they are leftovers. Not true and very unfair.

By: Well..

Sorry, Forgot to add that I agree with number 1. Every sorority should feel their sisters are the best. Period. The PNMs will figure everything out on their own and hopefully be happy where they end up!

By: Well..
by: Very   

Well said.

By: Very
by: Agree   

with Well.. Are they a top new row house? No, and probably won't be for several, several years, and that's IF they continue to climb and not plateau or slip up. But they are one of the most bashed houses on here and that's sad because there will be PNMs that let it effect them even though it shouldn't.

By: Agree

This post reminds me of mean girls. As soon as someone new enters the school and threatens to take attention away from them, they do or say anything to stop it. DG is strong, maybe not the best but that is even more reason for good girls who aren't going to make it into " top tier" to have a chance to make a difference and create a great house. I personally left mean girls in high school I have no desire to continue it in college. MEAN.

By: Mean girls
by: VERY TRUE   

I just can't understand what makes someone so unhappy that they feel like they need to lash out like that.


I agree that when you see people posting that DG is beating all of old row it is laughable and annoying. Sorry. All you DGs that wrote above can continue saying stuff like that and the rest of the university will continue laughing at you.

By: problem
by: Not a DG   

I think you need to calm down. Everyone's allowed to talk up their sorority. What they're doing isn't laughable, it's normal to use social media to promote something. Whatever you're a sorority of, why don't you make a post about how wonderful it is? Better that then posting the same old bitter posts. I'm sick of looking for info and finding angry, passive comments

By: Not a DG
by: mean   

Mean girl from mean house. Makes fun of others by laughing in their face.

By: mean
by: mean   

Also accuses others if lying (I.e., says we are all DGs posting when we aren't).

By: mean
by: I think...   

YOU might be the original poster!! See...that kind of nonsense works both ways!!

By: I think...

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