
cost of sororities at alabama


I know the meal plan is reduced if you are in a sorority or fraternity. But what if the average cost of a sorority your freshman year minus the meal plan because if it is still $8,000 a year that is absurd. I will be paying for all of my daughters schooling including meal plan but not sorority. Also can you get out a loan for your sorority?

Posted By: pnmmom
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The costs are listed. The money from her dining will be transferred to a Greek 55 plan. Expect to pay around $3500 per semester and that includes 14 meals per week.

By: Greekchic 2018

Nobody's making students join.
Any student who is stretching their parents' means to go to school would be irresponsible to join a sorority.
It's nice if you can afford it, but it's not a necessity to have a successful college career.

By: Aunt Gin

If you are on a full-ride, Presidential scholarship with housing subsidies, then go ahead and take out student loans for your Greek life experience. With that kind of commitment you did in HS, you deserve a good time and you will pay that off in a year or two after you graduate. But, if you or your parents are needing to take out loans to pay for your education and expenses related to college, that additional $30k add-on is beyond ridiculous.

By: The ONLY reason to loan..
by: Duh   

And if you’re that smart you’re probably not going to Alabama hehehe

By: Duh
by: @Duh   

Yeah, turning down a full ride would be so smart!!!!

By: @Duh

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