
gpa requirement for rush at bama

by: MammaA

Could someone please tell me if it's worth a try to rush if my daughters weighted GPA is 3.1 and unweighted GPA is 2.9 ? We are from Southern California and have been reading all the posts about rush at UA and are fearful of not getting considered for a bid because of her GPA. She has lots of volunteer and leadership hours on her resume and is very pretty, with a fun personality. Her high school was a private college preparatory school with rigorous curriculum , is any of that considered or do they just weed them out by the GPA number? She may not go to UA if she doesn't have a chance to be in a sorority. Please let us know your thoughts....Thank You!

Posted By: MammaA
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#11  by: Truth   

There are people who rush with a low gpa and pledge a highly rated sorority as a grade exception. There are people who rush with a 4.0 who don't have a great rush.

There is no way to predict for sure how rushing with a low gpa will turn out but the facts are a bad gpa will for sure limit your options and a good gpa won't hurt or guarantee it.

By: Truth
#12  by: ...   

I am also from the west coast and I rushed with a 2.6 gpa. I had lots of leadership and pretty good social skills. I had basically a full card every round. I would suggest making a good social resume, take a good headshot, and get as many recs as you can. Also have her follow a couple girls in the house that she might be interested in so girls can start to get her name out there. Good luck and I’m sure your daughter will have a good rush experience here!!

By: ...

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