
sorority ranks

by: bama girl

this is based one prettiness and genuine girls. not the partiers or most well known girls

Top Tier:
KD, Alpha Chi

Upper Middle:
Kappa, Pi Phi, DZ, Chi O

Alpha Gam, Phi Mu, Tri Delt

Lower Middle:
Adpi, Aopi, Zta, Alpha Phi

Bottom Tier:
DG, gamma phi

Posted By: bama girl
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Page 1 of 2
#1  by: ??   

DZ should be lower tier

By: ??
#2  by: um   

So you're saying that KD is the one of the prettiest group of girls on campus? That's a joke

By: um
by: Humph..Aug 22, 2013 9:15:57 PM

KDs are pretty and we know how to have fun! Everyone Wants to be a KD LADY!!!

By: Humph..
by: UmmmmSep 3, 2013 6:49:04 PM

Phi mu has much prettier girls than KD. That's a fact. Sorry.

By: Ummmm
#3  by: not everyone   

Top tier should be Phi Mu and Alpha Chi. they are the prettiest smartest ones with the best reputations.

By: not everyone
by: OMGSep 1, 2013 6:23:29 PM

Phi mu's are not the pretty girls or the rich girls!!! They are the number one posters on this site! It is so obvious! Girls, people see your pledge class and know you are NOT the pretty girls. Give it a break already!

by: Um nooooSep 2, 2013 10:19:28 AM

Phi mu is no where near top tier. Not even close to be the prettiest. Agree with AXO and the rest but phi mu has to move down. Nice try phi mu.

By: Um noooo
#4  by: hahahaha   

funniest ranking of all...Pi phi and DZ upper middle....hahahahaha KD number one....hahahahaha. Too Funny

By: hahahaha
by: ............Aug 22, 2013 9:21:18 PM

Pi Phi is upper middle? how would you rank them?

By: ............
#5  by: from a guy   

Alpha Gam is WAY BETTER THAN Alpha CHI and KD.

By: from a guy
by: Ridiculous..Aug 22, 2013 9:31:33 PM

your obviously not a guy your in one of the sororities that got ranked lower.

By: Ridiculous..
#6  by: ..   

Top Tier: Phi Mu, AXO
Upper Middle: Alpha Gam, KD, DDD, XO
Middle: Kappa, Zeta, Pi Phi, AOII
Lower Middle: Aphi, DG, Theta, ADPi
Bottom: DZ, Gamma Phi

By: ..
by: ....Sep 1, 2013 6:26:00 PM

Phi Mu is not top tier! Noooooooo way.

By: ....
#7  by: ..   

AXO, Phi Mu, Zeta
XO, Alpha Gam, AOII
Kappa, KD, DDD
Aphi, Pi Phi, DG, Theta

By: ..
#8  by: Naha ok   

Lawlz at KD fer daaaayyyyyyyzzzzzz

By: Naha ok
by: hahaAug 23, 2013 2:27:19 AM

seriously? KD has the hottest girls, most fun, the BEST on campus.

By: haha
#9  by: Not a KD   

Old row: AXO, Phi Mu, XO, Alpha Gam, KD, DDD, Kappa
New row: ZTA, AOII, Pi Phi, APhi, DG, Theta,Adpi, DZ, Gamma phi

By: Not a KD
#10  by: Yes   

Very accurate. I'm so tired of phi mu always promoting themselves. Seriously take a look at their pledge class. OMG. Hahahaha. Those girls are no where near KD or AXO in the looks department. When are you girls going to get it through your heads that you are not first tier?

By: Yes
by: OhAug 26, 2013 1:34:47 AM

no. KD has no looks department. The only girls that look even halfway decent are most likely snap bids. Alpha Chi is better than KD and so the rest of Old Row as well as all of New Row minus Gamma Phi and Theta.

By: Oh

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