
poll: which sorority is hardest to get into?


Posted By: :)
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A D Pi is not easy to get into.

By: Lady k
by: read   

A D Pi is not even an option. Learn to read, really.

By: read

XO and AXO are the hardest to get a bid from.

Then KKG, DDD, AGD and PM

Then KD, ZTA and PBP

By: s

There is no right answer because what might be easier for one person is harder for another depending on where you are from, looks, grades and personality.

By: Truth

Just confirms Aphi spends most time sc ranking on here

By: Lol

This is not easy to answer.

It depends who you are - where are you from, looks, grades, etc versus what the house “type is”.

Hard to get in generally means many girls want the house. About 2600 girls rush and each house takes approximately 135 girls. So if many more than 135 girls “want” the house - it’s competitive.

But remember, cuts happen right away. If you want house XYZ and they drop you (along with other houses you want) - all of a sudden there is competition. And there are also other girls in this situation - so the game changes each round.

You will see girls with cards each round that include these houses exclusively, some with a mix and some only houses not on this list.

Generally houses with more interest among Southern Christian girls from small and medium Towns - AXO, AGD and XO. And even though there are a lot of this type of girl here, there are many houses that fit this type.

Competitive amongst girls from larger Alabama towns “good zip codes” - KKG and KD.

PHi Mu - broader southern geography status seeking types.

DDD - some of all of above and even some below.

ZTA and APhi attractive social types.

If for some reason you desire a house that is notably different than “who you are” it’s a hard bid to get. But, if you “fit the mold” not so hard.

I would say out of the gate these houses generally are generating more interest than they have openings and are particularly “competitive”: AXO, PhiMu, AGD, KKG, KD, DDD, XO, ZTA and APhi. \n\n\n\n\n

By: Hard

where’s AXO or DDD?

By: ?

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None of these. You left the top ones off.

By: ??

xo and axo are the hardest, guessing that’s why they were left off

By: Missing

Rushed 3 years ago. Of these houses the only ones that dropped me were pm and zta. And I have zero connections

By: Me

ngl no one wants aphi lately after the racism scandal, that’s all anyone thinks of when they hear alpha phi. I’m a pnm from oor and no connections and I’ve still heard abt alpha phi.

By: Pnm
by: No   

They are still a desirable house

By: No
by: pnm   

not as much as others but keep telling yourself that aphi!

By: pnm
by: Aphi   

Ya thats all pretty much anyone thinks about w aphi.

By: Aphi

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