
poll: which sorority is hardest to get into?


Posted By: :)
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None of those lol

By: Lol
by: None   

Why did you pick these? None of these are the hardest to get into.

By: None

This is just silly.

If you're a super fashionable, always made-up New Jersey native, APhi will be a breeze but KD will not be.

If you have a certain zip code you're sure to get into KD or KKG but Zeta might not be interested in your type.

For an OOS girl with no connections and without the "look" any of these houses go for, it might be incredibly difficult for you to get in ANY. Stop trying to ask this question. There's no right answer.

By: come on

Alpha Phi is the hardest to get into...

Depending on how many legacies are going through recruitment, probably Kappa Delta is the hardest. Other years might be Phi Mu. Neither of which have a following much in the rest of the country.

By: Not in Alabama, clearly
by: disagree   

Both KD and Phi Mu are incredibly strong in the south, and somewhat strong nationally, at least compared to houses like AOPi, GPB, and even AGD.

By: disagree
by: Wat   

Phi mu kd aopi etc are all pretty prevelant in the south

By: Wat
by: Disagree   

Agd on the other hand, not so big nationally

By: Disagree
by: hm   

I’ve noticed that at pretty much every other school, agd is bottom

By: hm
by: t   

^ AGD is actually top tier at a bunch of southeastern, midwestern, and some northern schools. They’re typically the involved type. Nationally they’re a lot more liberal than the chapter at bama. They also have a ton of political connections (like the governor of Al

By: t

It really depends

By: '

Is this a joke?? This is the worst poll ever.

The hardest houses to get into are (no particular order):


By: Nope
by: Well   

Not Krappa Krappa gramma, bad reputation.

By: Well
by: Aly cat   

I love being a Phi Mu! I’m from 1990 pledge class. We were def one of the biggest at MSU then and of all the houses I saw during rush that one was the most beautiful, and the girls were fun. The best though is being an alumni! We are huge so I’ve been a part of it in every city I’ve lived in.

By: Aly cat
by: Aly cat creeper   

1990 pledge class so you are obviously a Mom on here creeping. What a weirdo.

By: Aly cat creeper

They're all easy if you have the look and the rec letters

By: :)

Hardest to get into by far are AXO, AGD, XO and DDD.

Zeta is hard too, unless you have their “look.”

If you have a pulse and hair extensions you’ve got a bid at APhi.

By: What is this crap?

Phi mu, kkg, kd, zta then aphi

By: .
by: ^^   

however, now girls don't so much want aphi because of the scandals

By: ^^
by: No   

Yes to all except Alpha Phi. That’s probably the easiest house to get into of all the top
To mid tier houses-and they barely make the break. They are possibly the too of them lowest tier.

By: No

Phi Mu hottest girls with the best house here

By: greeks
by: Not hot anymore   

Five years ago, yes. Today, no.

By: Not hot anymore
by: :’)   

today.... no, in florida particularly the “hottest” is kd, zta, dg, and tridelt and you can squeeze adpi and axid too

By: :’)

let's be honest!

By: KatKate

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