University of Alabama Tuscaloosa - UA Discussion

Page 2469 of 2471
why By: thismakesnosense   Last Post:

is everyone so down on Theta? They have a great...Read More

By: thismakesnosense   Last Post:

Started: Aug 20, 2013 12:00:19 PM
pic By: lp   Last Post:

what is this KD cowboy pic everyone is talking about...Read More

By: lp   Last Post:

Started: Aug 24, 2013 11:08:15 AM
philanthropy By: Love my House   Last Post:

I think the philanthropy aspect of all the houses is...Read More

By: Love my House   Last Post:

Started: Aug 24, 2013 11:14:20 AM
post-recruitment rankings By: Hound's Tooth   Last Post:

1) KD, Kappa, Tri-Delt 2) Alpha Gam, Chi O, Alpha Chi,...Read More

By: Hound's Tooth   Last Post:

Started: Aug 20, 2013 8:19:37 PM
axo By: ...   Last Post:

Is it just me or are AChiO's focusing a little...Read More

By: ...   Last Post:

Started: Aug 22, 2013 8:36:43 PM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
cornellfetch and dartmouthfetch By: Regina George   Last Post:

Sort of the Ivy League version of SEC Greeks That...Read More

By: Regina George   Last Post:

Started: Aug 23, 2013 3:01:35 AM
dke pledging By: DKE newbie   Last Post:

I got a bid to DKE and want to join...Read More

By: DKE newbie   Last Post:

Started: Aug 19, 2013 12:28:54 PM
the facts By: well   Last Post:

More girls from "out of the south" pledged this year...Read More

By: well   Last Post:

Started: Aug 21, 2013 8:10:36 PM
cob By: Question   Last Post:

Does any one know which sororities other than SDT and...Read More

By: Question   Last Post:

Started: Aug 22, 2013 4:50:31 AM
rush By: Tim   Last Post:

Beta, DX or SX...Read More

By: Tim   Last Post:

Started: Aug 22, 2013 5:00:08 PM
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