


just got accepted and hope to join a sorority! Do I need letters of recommendation and pictures?? There is nothing on the panhellenic website or even an application.

Posted By: hello!
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Greek life at Cornell is a lot more informal than elsewhere, applications to rush will open in the fall and you can sign up then and there! Letters of recommendation are definitely not necessary but aren't looked down upon, they have no bearing on whether you get a bid unless your family has particularly strong ties to a certain house.

By: Hello!!
by: hello!   

OK. Thank you. Seems like greek life here is a big deal (large percentage of student population is greek) and very well developed (really old chapters!), so I'm surprised that letters of rec aren't needed. so, if I submit them, it won't make a difference? or it may actually be a negative?? (I dont' have any personal connections to a house). Last thing....do cute/stylish/personable girls usually get their first choice (not saying I'm all that but some people say it about me). Do girls ever get released with nothing??

By: hello!
by: ok   

It is a pretty big deal socially, but not as all-encompassing as other schools with similar percentage greek. I visited some friends at their schools and it shocked me that, for example, their student government was 100% greek, and GDIs have no shot at any position however minor, or that even pre-professional frats are almost 100% greek.

Letters of rec won't help unless it's from the house's alumnae, specifically their chapter's alumnae. They won't hurt though, I'm sure plenty of girls submit letters of rec because that's how rush works where they're from.

Trust the rush process to work, but the only way you can do that is if you try to be the most genuine/real version of yourself that you can in the mess of fakeness/pettiness. I do know cool girls who have been released with nothing, but generally as long as you have an open mind, don't worry too much. Must girls who drop out of rush drop because they get cut from the houses they want, very few girls get let go with nothing.

By: ok

If you keep an open mind and maximize your options you should be fine. However we do not have the system that guarantees bids if you go to 3 pref parties. When I rushed 400 girls got dropped with nothing. That is typically only because they did not rank the houses they actually connected with and went only for the superficial things you see on here. My advice is to get the heck off this poisonous site.

By: hi

Idk if you're going to see this but I also agree with the above comment. Go in with an open mind and don't look towards a particular sorority just based on reputations or ranking like this site says. Yes. You - your fashion style will definitely be an expression of who you are and girls will be girls and judge you somewhat based on your appearance so make sure that whatever you choose to wear is a genuine expression and representation of who you are. Be open with the girls and don't be nervous, they are literally regular girls who could potentially be friends and that's how you should approach the situation. Letters of rec are not that necessary here simply because it's not like the south. Greek life is huge but they pick their girls based mainly on the rush process and how you connect with them on a genuine level so try to portray your best self during the few minutes you get to speak with each girl; the more girls who like you in the house, the better your chances of getting in. If you have a legacy, that's awesome; if you don't, that's okay too! I didn't have a legacy and I got into the sorority that I wanted from the beginning just based on my connections with the girls. Good luck!

By: Panhell Luv

You'll honestly drive yourself mad if you start thinking about it now, the bottom line is you can be happy in any sorority at cornell. My advice is to get involved on campus first semester and meet as many people as possible, but keep in mind dirty rushing is much more for guys than girls and it's very possible you won't know anyone in the house you end up joining. Once recruitment starts its really important that you be yourself. It's really easy to see when PNMs are being fake and you also might end up in a house that you'll ultimately be uncomfortable in.

By: Ezra's Mom

Definitely get involved and meet people. Dirty rush isn't really a thing for girls. Go out, have fun, etc. no need to worry about anything even when rush hits don't stress over it. Let the process work itself out.

By: exactly

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super info! thanks much!

By: hello!

no problem

By: you're welcome

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