
fraternity rankings after spring classes


From what I've seen, and heard. I obviously haven't seen every class. No one has yet.

Also, for one, I don't think size of pledge class matters as much as many people might think. Unless you're below 15 or above 25.

Sig Chi (+)
Psi U (0)
Alpha Delt (0)
Sig Phi (--)

DX(-)/Sig Pi(+)
Phi Psi(-)/Chi Phi (+)

Lambda(+)/Sig Nu(+)

ZBT(+)/Sig Ep(0)
Llenroc(0)/Phi Sig(+)
Pi Kapp(-)
Phi Tau(+)

Lost after this to be honest so I won't rank them

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If these are really accurate or really not. Could argue a few spots here and there (like Psi U, DU or Pike), but I guess most of these are opinion. So I'll say good job just because I can't tell who it is.

By: Can't tell

this is so wrong, everything about it i disagree

By: no
by: YES...   

Someone is mad that his frat did not make the list. Oh well.

By: YES...

Sig Chi and Alpha Delt got great PCs. Psi U I heard got a lot of football players and Sig Phi bidded an absurd amount of kids and a few are cool and a few are complete losers. DU got some awesome kids but a few weird/creepy also, Chi Phi/Phi Psi did above average, Sig Pi I heard did ok but not great numbers, DX not good.

By: Brother
by: ^   


By: ^
by: ok   

so off. DU good Alpha Delt good DX good. Psi U and Sig Pgi not good. Sig Chi and Sig Pi OK

By: ok
by: Too bad   

Psi U pledges might be looking for a new frat. Do feel bad for what they have to go through now as a house. One guy can ruin it for all.

By: Too bad
by: Top?   

Sig Phi had 8 pledges last year. Guess they really wanted to load up their class this year.

Where are Psi U pledges going now?

By: Top?
by: Ella   

I'm in a sorority and this is what I gathered from personal experience interacting with the new PC's. Psi U had a terrible pledge class. DU and Alpha Delt did best in my opinion. Some of the guys at DU know how to party and are really friendly (but there are definitely a few weirdos in the PC)

By: Ella

Sig Pi and Chi Phi both had quite small (and not very impressive) classes that I think will really hurt them in the near future. I also think DX and Fiji are in trouble for the opposite reason.

By: Small/large PCs

Are really still talking about this stuff? Jesus just go back to your troll hole.

By: Really?

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Fiji's pc is actually pretty solid, pretty even with lambda

By: Cornellfrat
by: fact   

Sorry, but in all honestly, NO. Fiji got a bunch of rejects from other houses, and the guys at lambda fun

By: fact
by: Cloak.    

people write on these types of threads to either promote their frat or to tear down another frat in the hopes that they can move up in the rankings.

All under the cloak of anonymity

By: Cloak.
by: Reply   

The fact is that most people at mid tier fraternities got cut from their first choice, Fiji and lambda chi to even places like phi psi and sig pi. It's rare for someone to get called back to every house they want, so in a sense most people are rejects

By: Reply

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