


Many ranks are posted to this site. Many of them are flawed. Some of them have bits of good information. However, this guide is to serve as an aid to freshmen and sophomores in the fall and spring rush recruitment cycles for this academic year.

This is the top fraternity at this school with all the money. A lot of people can argue they are not the typical fraternity type, yet they are always at the top of the rankings. They take the best/most clouted NYC/LA groups. Then, there are the hispanics from Miami, as well as the internationals from all over the place. They can also be very unloyal to each other.

Sig Chi
They can be tied with AD, but many would say they are right below. Completely different crowd from AD because these guys are all more traditional/preppy frat boys from suburban areas. Great house with great brothers and traditions. 410 is a good time. Much more of a rowdy type. Typically take the top rushes, along with AD. They are sort of hit or miss with rushes liking them or not.

Sig Phi (Sig Nu?)
With Sig Phi merging with Sig Nu's 30 brothers, a lot can change, but a lot will probably stay the same. Sig Phi usually has good homecoming and slope day darties, and Sig Nu's house could make them better because of the good view of the lake. Sig Phi usually fights with AD over the same NYC/LA rushes, and as history has shown us, loses. They take the scraps, but their focus point is usually on long island rushes who cross-rush Sig Pi and ZBT. Have some very cool traditions like class TND and then Kegs. Parties are not as fun as AD and Sig Chi, but the brothers have good pregames, despite not all liking each other.

DU/Sig Pi/Chi Psi
Because this is purely from a rush perspective, I have grouped these 3 frats together. Socially, DU mixes better than the other two. DU is known to be full of very meathead guys on the football team who will have sweaty and fun parties. It is ideal for kids who are incredibly rowdy, want the very state school vibe, and want to be around a house that is 75% composed of players on the football team. In rush, they cross rush with Sig Chi, Sig Pi, and Chi Psi. In recent years, they have not done as well as Sig Pi and Chi Psi, both with fall and spring rush classes, but they still manage to have a good social schedule. They are the new TDX. Now, onto Sig Pi, which, many can say, has an extremely diverse crowd. There are many brothers from the typical spots like NYC, Long Island, CT, Florida, Cali, etc., but also some of an international presence. Mix of top kids who could easily fit into many great frats, kids who turned down bids at great houses, and then some kids that will peak in this frat. Have great spots such as The Beach (their patio) and Crevice. They usually throw very fun parties. Get backlash for taking some fruity kids a little while ago, even though it did boost their social standing, especially with girls from Aphi. More of a mix between rowdy and class vibe. Chi Psi, or "The Lodge," has a more dominant suburban crowd. They mix more similarly to Sig Pi, and can pack the place pretty well. They have some class traditions and maintain a tight-knit brotherhood. Kids live in doubles, triples, or quads, which is not very desireable. Like to cross rush with Sig Chi a lot. Only thing is many have said they can come off with very squid vibes, but that is a bit subjective. Nice guys. You either hate them or love them.

ZBT/Dx in comment below

Posted By: Mr.
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Wow this is a lot and not bad tbh

By: .
by: aaaa   

not sure how good sig nu will be

By: aaaa
by: sociedad   

They are no longer a "society" so that blows

By: sociedad
by: rumor   

they got suspended I think already

By: rumor
by: snu   

All of them are short

By: snu
by: lol   

mob of 5'7 spammers

By: lol
by: jeff   

they do whatever they can to be looked at the same as AD/Sig Chi. At least DU knows their place

By: jeff
by: words   

I think it is funny how ZBT tricks you into thinking they are a good frat. Socially, they mix with sdt, aephi, pi phi, sometimes azd, then the occasional kappa mixer. They spend all their time on rush and concerts to convince these rushes they are good but actually they are worse socially than chi phi and way worse than dx

By: words
by: Bezos   

DX is below ZBT imo they are just weird and artsy. ZBT at least is just all the same weird person who make it work because they get rowdy and have concerts

By: Bezos
by: tash   

DUmb is honestly worse for rushes to pick over Sig Pi and Chi Psi unless they are on football

By: tash

Surprisingly accurate

By: Wow
by: Lmao   

Least obvious sig pi grind

By: Lmao
by: lmao   

AD grind tbh

By: lmao

busiest hotel student

By: lol

Wow this is really accurate. Great post!

By: Ben Becker

Couldn’t have said it better

By: Perfection

Spot on very good overall description while staying unbiased

By: Facts

Which frats are most involved with finance and the finance clubs

By: finance man
by: finance guy   

it's heavy ZBT, Sig Pi, Sig Chi, PSK, Kappa Sigma

By: finance guy
by: correct   

that is right

By: correct


By: bump

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By: crazy
by: football   

Conversation with a DU boy: "Hi" "football football football girls beer huhhhh"

By: football
by: Mary   

Lol and the funniest thing is this girl was most likely forced to go to DU on their social schedule by the aphi seniors but did what they all do…leave after 15 minutes

By: Mary
by: wow   


By: wow

Dx is artsy and nature boys

By: delta chi
by: tf   

what does that even mean

By: tf

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