
frat character types?


We all talk about frat rankings and status. But what are the different personality types of the more relevant frats? Which one's are douche? Which one's are really diverse? Which one's don't like to socialize too much? etc.

Posted By: fresho
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Fiji this is absurd lol

By: What
by: lol   

and we're just gonna ignore the fact that lambda is above both fiji and chi psi..? this is insane. it should be chi psi --> fiji --> Lambda

By: lol

fiji above Chi Psi?? They're on the same level as TDX / Pike

nice try boys

By: hahahahah

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Pi Kapp cross rushes with Pike/Phi Tau/Phi Sig not chi phi/chi psi/lambda/dx

By: Sus
by: nah   

that's just not true

By: nah

lambda you wilding all the way up there in the ranks lmao

By: im weak

PIKE/Sammy/Phi Tau = the middle ground for greeklife at Cornell
Phi Tau has some of the nicest guys in greeklife as a group, PIKE gets a lot of hate but they are p solid, Sammy has a lot of peculiar guys but it seems like it takes a very niche type of guy to fit in with that house. All cross rush with each other with a small number also cross rushing with Pi Kapp and FIJI

By: greeklifeisdead
by: Mmnj   

Sorry but Phi Tau is not 'middle ground' they are one of the lower fraternities...though they're constantly trying to convince us otherwise. Still nice tho

By: Mmnj
by: Fssdd   

phi tau only mixes with pike Sammy and Fiji so how are they lower

By: Fssdd

LAMBDA AND FIJI chill out with the self ranking. Yes, lambda has had much better parties than Fiji but u ain’t that good... and Fiji ur going down to middle if ur not there already so chill out with the self rank. Freshman don’t be deceived Lmaoooo

By: YO
by: curious   

So which houses take over lambda and fiji? Should pi kapp/phi sig/pike be upper mid instead?

By: curious
by: This   

Exactly^. People roast lambda and Fiji for “self ranking” but they have better attendance, more fun brothers, and a better rep than pi kapp phi sig pike

By: This
by: no   

pi kapp and fiji mix literally the same and lambda hasn't even had more than 10 mixers since coming back. They're all at the same mid level and are yet to reach chi phi or chi psi

By: no
by: Honestly   

I see lambda And tdx solidifying itself in upper mid Under chi psi after rush. Lambda had a good chill fall pc so they will prob do well in the spring and tdx will get another majority football pc and football season will be over

By: Honestly
by: Yea   

^thats actually facts

By: Yea
by: uhh   

fiji rushes to try to have 3 mixers a week that struggle with low attendance. their fall class was also not that strong but their seniors are def solid. lambda got a pretty good class considering all the circumstances and had mixers with chi phi (o-week, homecoming) and with sdt. Regardless, they are under chi psi / chi phi in terms of rep but i dont see why people think Lambda and Fiji are "self ranking". The brotherhood quality and mixer schedule doesn't align with the other houses in the mid tier.

By: uhh
by: Yeah well..   

Tdx had c4 mixers this year and they r below lambda and fiji... mixing schedules aren’t everything...

By: Yeah well..
by: sorry   

as a girl in c4 I can tell you with certainty that c4 doesn't actually mix w/ tdx lol

By: sorry
by: Lmao    

Uhhh pretty sure they mixed with theta

By: Lmao
by: Sjsj   

Sophomore c4 girls love TDX

By: Sjsj
by: Nah    

Only the chi psi c4 groupies lol

By: Nah
by: Huh   

Random theta groupies don’t count, they’re basically an equal opportunity sorority when it comes to mixing and they get maybe 5% attendance when they do

By: Huh
by: Lol   

some ones jelly

By: Lol

Chi Psi should be above Lambda and then this is ittttr

By: Bruh

Can phi psi even take a new class if they are suspended

By: ?

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