
end of year rankings


The top 5 houses are all very different but all have very good sorority relations with the core four and a couple outside like Tri Delt and Pi Phi. Sig Chi is objectively top and Sig Phi traditionally comes in right after them (although Sig Phi's pledge class was pretty weak this year). Alpha Delt remains top 3 but its unclear who exactly likes them/why they are top 3 (not to mention the class of 2019 pledge class doesn't compare to those of Sig Chi, DX and DU). DX and DU are essentially interchangeable, it just depends on who you ask and what kind of frat boy you like. DX and DU also have arguably the best new pledge classes - very different, but both very good. DX and DU have made the most progress in the past couple of years and are continuing to climb to the top. The frats below are still relevant to an extent but don't really mix with the core four as much. Frats other than those listed here are pretty irrelevant and not respected by top houses/sororities.

1. Sig Chi/Sig Phi/Alpha Delta/DX/DU
2. Sig Pi/Phi Psi
3. Chi Phi/Lambda/Sig Nu

Posted By: Ranking Queen
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If you actually think that 2/3 of cornells frats are irrelevant then youre an idiot

By: no..

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by: Well...   

Mean girl core 4 mentality...not all girls in core 4 are like this, just the really insecure ones (of which there are quite a few unfortunately). So worried about appearances and status that they waste 4 years in a great place being nasty, fighting with each other, etc. All the while, the rest of us are having the time of our lives!!

By: Well...

Some good points some bad. Frats not that off.

By: Kills yourself

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