
sorority pc rank

by: Fratstar

Alpha Phi (0)
Theta (0)
DG (++)
KKG (+)
SDT (--)
Tridelt (+)
Pi Phi (0)
AEPhi (-)
KD (+)
AXO (0) / AZD (+)
PSS (--)
Phi Mu (0)

Posted By: Fratstar
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Page 1 of 1
#1  by: uhh   

Alpha phi is not the top house, although their pc was better this year than last so (+). DG did not make that many improvements, and tridelt is too low (should be above SDT). General consensus is aephi is (+) and KD only did well with sophomores, not freshmen

By: uhh
by: EwApr 12, 2016 6:03:07 AM

It's like Alpha Phi is a magnet for girls who were raised to think looks count more than class, brains, etc. it's why they are so insecure and fake. Frankly, it's surprising and embarrassing that there are so many like them at Cornell. On the bright side, they are in one place and have those tacky red bags so you can spot them and stay away!!

By: Ew
#2  by: lol   

pi phi self-ranking trying to throw people off their trail but making it seem like kappa

By: lol
by: WhApr 11, 2016 10:16:45 PM

Did you read this worth? Pi phi is literally where it always is

By: Wh
#3  by: Nah   

Alpha phi not top house, so many reasons
KD should be top of lower tier, not middle
How is this pi phi self ranking lmk???

By: Nah
#4  by: well this is wrong    

Alpha phi got some beautiful blondes in its new PC, but they are by no means top house. Kappa did not increase and DG did not increase by as much as you're claiming. Tri delt should be above SDT but SDT certainly didn't fall that much if at all. Lastly, KD belongs in the lower tier. Thanks for trying.

By: well this is wrong

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