Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity Ratings at CU

Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity at Cornell University - CU 220 3.56
  • Total Ratings: 220
  • Overall Average:71.2%


  • Fraternity Name: Lambda Chi Alpha - Information Page
  • School: Cornell University - CU
  • Associates with:
    - Fraternities:  Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Chi, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Delta Rho, Phi Kappa Psi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Society, Sigma Pi
    - Sororities:  Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Phi Sigma Sigma, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Delta Tau, Zeta Tau Alpha
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  • Reputation:Smart
  • Friendliness:76.2%
  • Popularity:70.8%
  • Classiness:64.6%
  • Involvement:69.2%
  • Social Life:73.6%
  • Brotherhood:75.4%
  • 220 Ratings
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Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity at Cornell University - CU 4.2 Solid house, pretty good parties now that they’re not in trouble. Was on so pro for forever which hurt them. Used to be an upper mid house then went down w Sopro but now could go back up to upper mid depending on how this semester goes with all the houses in trouble and given the fact that recent PCs have been good. Manages to have good relations w upper mid sororitys and seniors rlly help them. Recent spring pc was solid but house has few juniors which hurts them. Gonna be interesting to see how they do this semester with all the new rules but they def could use this semester to rise if they play cards right.
By: yesPosted:

Solid house, pretty good parties now that they’re not in trouble. Was on so pro for forever which hurt them. Used to be an upper mid house then went down w Sopro but now could go back up to upper mid depending on how this semester goes with all the houses in trouble and given the fact that recent PCs have been good. Manages to have good relations w upper mid sororitys and seniors rlly help them. Recent spring pc was solid but house has few juniors which hurts them. Gonna be interesting to see how they do this semester with all the new rules but they def could use this semester to rise if they play cards right.

Associates with:
Chi Phi Fraternity
Sigma Delta Tau Sorority

  • Reputation: Social
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Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity at Cornell University - CU 3.4 House on west that just has come off of a 2+ year sopro stint. Very WASPy house and has a few guys from the golf team. Gonna be a very interesting rush for them for sure. Have a lot of pros and cons. Pros: has a very good senior class (close with SDT), pretty decent house with nice gazebo, and has a clean slate since all of their creepy guys graduated...sororities have been testing them out. Cons: has a history of getting into trouble with their nationals and the university, junior class is pretty much non-existent, and they couldn't take a class last spring...their recent fall PC they just took everybody who showed up to rush but were able to get some okay guys. They could do really well and steal rushes from the upper-mid houses (helps that Chi Psi is on sopro + under investigation, Fiji's had recent allegations, and ZBT recovering from pig roast) and take all the rushes from PiKapp, Pike, etc. Or they could just get wrecked due because of junior/sophomore classes and past history. Basically...h igh risk, high reward. They could rise a ton with all the other houses being in trouble. A lot of good guys in Lambda.
By: RushLambda?Posted:

House on west that just has come off of a 2+ year sopro stint. Very WASPy house and has a few guys from the golf team. Gonna be a very interesting rush for them for sure. Have a lot of pros and cons. Pros: has a very good senior class (close with SDT), pretty decent house with nice gazebo, and has a clean slate since all of their creepy guys graduated...sororities have been testing them out. Cons: has a history of getting into trouble with their nationals and the university, junior class is pretty much non-existent, and they couldn't take a class last spring...their recent fall PC they just took everybody who showed up to rush but were able to get some okay guys. They could do really well and steal rushes from the upper-mid houses (helps that Chi Psi is on sopro + under investigation, Fiji's had recent allegations, and ZBT recovering from pig roast) and take all the rushes from PiKapp, Pike, etc. Or they could just get wrecked due because of junior/sophomore classes and past history. Basically...h igh risk, high reward. They could rise a ton with all the other houses being in trouble. A lot of good guys in Lambda.

  • Reputation: Wealthy
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Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity at Cornell University - CU 2.4 They have like 5 brothers because they were in trouble for the last couple years. Parties this year so far have been questionable. PC was ok.
By: yikesPosted:

They have like 5 brothers because they were in trouble for the last couple years. Parties this year so far have been questionable. PC was ok.

Associates with:
Beta Theta Pi Fraternity
Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority

  • Reputation: Smart
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Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity at Cornell University - CU 4.2 There's a lot of rumors surrounding the house since they just got back from 2 years of social probation from nationals. Took a large solid fall class that had a lot of club sports kids and transfers from state schools given all the circumstances. Overall, the house is just getting back and still finding a foot in the social scene but they consistently mix with upper mid sororitys (sdt, tri delt, pi phi) and the seniors are well known and liked but really only close with sdt. Has a lot of golf players and is considered to be one of the more waspy houses on campus.
By: TruthPosted:

There's a lot of rumors surrounding the house since they just got back from 2 years of social probation from nationals. Took a large solid fall class that had a lot of club sports kids and transfers from state schools given all the circumstances. Overall, the house is just getting back and still finding a foot in the social scene but they consistently mix with upper mid sororitys (sdt, tri delt, pi phi) and the seniors are well known and liked but really only close with sdt. Has a lot of golf players and is considered to be one of the more waspy houses on campus.

  • Reputation: Social
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Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity at Cornell University - CU 2.0 Lambda understandably has been spamming greekrank as of late in order to regain their footing in greeklife. However, the truth is, they are just barely back in the middle tier after their long stint on sopro, and after taking a huge fall PC (and not cutting any kids who rushed), are back on sopro. House has about 30 kids, and many upperclassmen deactivated. Were also accused of stealing from the first frat they mixed with after coming back (pi kapp), and are known for being a little bit creepy with girls. On the bright side, they have a decent house, and the seniors that still exist are decently cool. Hope they can fix all the issues that have been plaguing them as of late!
By: wutPosted:

Lambda understandably has been spamming greekrank as of late in order to regain their footing in greeklife. However, the truth is, they are just barely back in the middle tier after their long stint on sopro, and after taking a huge fall PC (and not cutting any kids who rushed), are back on sopro. House has about 30 kids, and many upperclassmen deactivated. Were also accused of stealing from the first frat they mixed with after coming back (pi kapp), and are known for being a little bit creepy with girls. On the bright side, they have a decent house, and the seniors that still exist are decently cool. Hope they can fix all the issues that have been plaguing them as of late!

Associates with:
Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity
Alpha Xi Delta Sorority

  • Reputation: Smart
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Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity at Cornell University - CU 2.5 lAMBda iS A bORdeRLiNE uPPer HOusE witH 25 gUYs deSPItE nO PLedgE ClASS lASt YEaR & nO PArtIes FOr 3 YeARS. boUTTA PAss cHI PhI.
By: YikesPosted:

lAMBda iS A bORdeRLiNE uPPer HOusE witH 25 gUYs deSPItE nO PLedgE ClASS lASt YEaR & nO PArtIes FOr 3 YeARS. boUTTA PAss cHI PhI.

  • Reputation: Wealthy
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Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity at Cornell University - CU 1.0 Definitely known for being a bit creepy or touchy with girls, also heard they stole a ton of stuff from pi kapp during a mixer. New fall PC is kinda weird. Don’t like going to this house anymore :(
By: EhPosted:

Definitely known for being a bit creepy or touchy with girls, also heard they stole a ton of stuff from pi kapp during a mixer. New fall PC is kinda weird. Don’t like going to this house anymore :(

  • Reputation: Smart
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Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity at Cornell University - CU 1.0 resorted to self ranking since they couldn't get a PC. house has become pretty wack. got a large fall PC because they didn't cut anyone
By: cftPosted:

resorted to self ranking since they couldn't get a PC. house has become pretty wack. got a large fall PC because they didn't cut anyone

Associates with:
Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority

  • Reputation: Smart
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Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity at Cornell University - CU 3.5 theres So many rumors surrounding this house since they just came back on campus. The simple way to tell if they are true is to go to one of their parties and see for your self (hint: they mix with upper middle sororitys including sdt and have over 35 guys).
By: factPosted:

theres So many rumors surrounding this house since they just came back on campus. The simple way to tell if they are true is to go to one of their parties and see for your self (hint: they mix with upper middle sororitys including sdt and have over 35 guys).

  • Reputation: Social
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Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ Fraternity at Cornell University - CU 2.5 lAMBda iS A bORdeRLiNE uPPer HOusE witH 25 gUYs deSPItE nO PLedgE ClASS lASt YEaR & nO PArtIes FOr 3 YeARS. boUTTA PAss cHI PhI.
By: chilloutPosted:

lAMBda iS A bORdeRLiNE uPPer HOusE witH 25 gUYs deSPItE nO PLedgE ClASS lASt YEaR & nO PArtIes FOr 3 YeARS. boUTTA PAss cHI PhI.

  • Reputation: Wealthy
  • Friendliness:
  • Popularity:
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  • Involvement:
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