
to clear up any confusion


clearly some of these self ranking social climbers need a reality check. These are the real tiers (the order within the tiers is pretty much interchangeable and depends on personal opinion)

1. ADPi, Tri Delt, AXO, Chi O, Zeta, KD
2. DZ, Phi Mu, Kappa
3. AGD, Gamma Phi

Posted By: sorority tiers
Page 2 of 2

100% agreed adpi will always be top along with chi o and tri delt

By: so right
by: Jesus    

Chi o you have to stop. You're really embarrassing Yourselfs. You're #6 please stop trying so hard

By: Jesus
by: UGH    

How do you know a Chi O wrote that? It also could have been an ADPi or DDD. They are known to come on here as well. And, please don't take the Lord's name in vain.

by: Dude   

Leave XO alone...this could have been any of these three

By: Dude
by: no    

it was a chi O, because they are the only ones that would put themselves on the same level as DDD and ADPI

By: no
by: ^^   

Wait, let me guess.... You're an ADPI or Tridelta? Even if you're not, you're embarrassing and disgracing those names the way you are claiming that they're on a different level. This whole thread is embarrassing for PMNs to see and this is NOT what Greek life should be like, nor do I feel that Greek Life is outside of this website.

By: ^^
by: To PrettySimpl   

100% agree with those rankings. Who knows how it will be after bid day-- But at least for now, that's the way it's been, and is going to be.

By: To PrettySimpl
by: clearly   

hahahahaha people actually think XO would care enough to write this

By: clearly

With Pi Phi here in the fall, I think we're gonna transition into the three tiers. Anyone else agree? Top, Middle, Bottom. I think that's pretty much how it is not.

By: Hm
by: Something like   

The "top 6" is sb especially considering we only have 11 sororities not like 20. The only people who think of it as top 6 are the upper middle.




By: Something like
by: Yeeeep   

I totally agree with this.

By: Yeeeep
by: Well   

Maybe that's how it would have been if phi pi were here LAST year, but bid day and new pledge classes will really determine if xo and axo will move up and zeta and kd will move down...

By: Well
by: To well   

I see what you mean, so come august obviously there might be changes. But I think people on this site do need to be realistic in the fact that there's no such thing as a top six. But rather a top 4, maybe top 5. That's unfair to the so called middle and bottom tier. Upper middle needs to accept that reputation wise, there's always someone "better than you"

By: To well
by: i think   

i think it would open up the tiers a little bit more... but the top 6 are pretty solid and interchangable, so idk if any of them would get pushed down when someone could always argue they are the best. i think more like a large top tier and small middle and bottom.

all sororities at usc are great and would be top tier anywhere else, except pi phi which remains to be seen, but they are likely to do well.

top (in ALPHA order by the abbrevs i'm using)

middle (in order)
kappa / dz
phi mu

pi phi

By: i think
by: to well   

i don't think xo and axo are moving above zta or kd - i think they are all solidly in the top 6 and it just depends on who you ask and what they like to determine what's best. one person might say kd, the next might say axo. their friend might say ddd and her roommate might say xo or adpi or zta.

By: to well
by: Greeky   

I agree with "I think". There is a Top 6, Middle, and Bottom. I really don't see how "Something like" can put XO and AXO in the middle tier. Its a well known fact that XO got some of the best pledge classes for 3 years straight and AXO for the past 2 years. What constitutes Top Tier status if that doesn't?

By: Greeky
by: Hm   

I agree with "to well". Let's be realistic, there's no such thing as a top 6. AXO and XO. We all know you are trying really hard to be the best and the self ranks really show this- but as much as you want to be in the top you just aren't there yet. You're still upper middle and you should be happy you are there!! That's still really awesome!! While you guys still got awesome pledge classes, so did the other chapters here. And I'm not salty or anything. I'm below you guys even and I am happy where I am. I just think y'all shouldn't care about this as much as you do.

By: Hm
by: Pretty simple   

DDD and KD

Lower Top/Upper Middle


PiPhi (had to stick them somewhere)

By: Pretty simple
by: To PrettySimpl   

100% agree with those rankings. Who knows how it will be after bid day-- But at least for now, that's the way it's been, and is going to be.

By: To PrettySimpl

I wrote the first " to well" not sure who made the second comment.
But no other school have a top 6 except maybe UA and their greek like is huge! I think xo and axo have done great the last year or so, I just don't think that makes them better than 4 sororities who've done great for years and years. So maybe it's up to opinion but at the end of the day there's no top 6.

And everyone who says all sororities at usc would be top anywhere else.. Our lower middle and bottom would not be top at schools like Bama UGA ole miss and many others. Let's get our heads out of the clouds.

By: Original to well
by: hmm   

you're a peach!

By: hmm

Seriously why do people argue over this? We are COLLEGE women. Put us on the bottom of your list or wherever, that doesn’t change the fact that we are an awesome organization that does great things for our community and philanthropy, just like all other 10 sororities here. I thought that’s why we all rushed? To pick an organization fit for us and participate in philanthropic and social events. I can promise you that none of us really care if you want to rank us as “top tier” or “upper middle” or even flat out bottom. We love our sorority and in our eyes, of course we are the best(for US) because we CHOSE this chapter to be a part of. Also, I'm pretty sure I know enough Chi O’s to know that they don’t care about all this ranking crap anyway. If I wasn't an alpha chi, I would hope to be a chi o because they are one of the most laid back, carefree sororities. And I mean carefree in the sense of not caring about all this petty, middle school bull crap. To PNMS, I have friends in almost every single sorority here, and each of them couldn't care less what order they are put in. If you care about rankings, chances are you picked that chapter for all the wrong reasons. Each sorority is soooo different and to rank them like this is so stupid. There is a chapter here fit for every personality, so don’t feel like you can’t like a “middle” or “bottom” tier sorority, because what others say about you doesn’t make it true..


I'm over this...everyone has their own opinion and we can fight about it forever. How does a sorority tier really affect your life anyway? You're only here 4 years and then you get to join an alumni group. Just love your own sisters and try not to bring others down.

By: Greek Friend

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This is accurate anyone who tells you otherwise is a hater

By: Bump

axo and chio stop trying to put yourself in top tier lol

By: holla back girl

@ AXO and XO. Give it a rest

By: Lol

this is accurate

By: eh

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