
fraternity bids

by: rush

Can someone list the fraternities in the Greek village from most difficult to easiest to get a bid from? I know some are more exclusive than others. I was wondering how exclusive they all are compared to eachother.

Posted By: rush
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#1  by: Here   

Extremely Hard: KA/SAE/Sigma Chi/Sigma Nu/Kappa Sigma- you need to know several brothers, be from the south, and be from money. Even that isn't enough sometimes. Often know their classes mid-summer.

Hard: Pi Kapp- little more room regarding where you're from, but still a lot of money. Still should know people.

Relatively Difficuly: Chi Psi- will takes kids from anywhere, also money. Knowing people helps, but a good impression thru the rush process will go a long way.

Medium, Easier but not easy: Phi Sig/Beta- Still pretty selective, but not nearly as much as the ones above.

By: Here
by: rushApr 16, 2014 4:29:09 PM

Do any of the fraternities in the Greek Village take sophomores if it is their first time rushing and they are from South Carolina?

By: rush
by: YesApr 16, 2014 11:31:34 PM


By: Yes
#2  by: USC    

Is it impossible to get a bid from the top ones without knowing anyone in them? And does having a lot of money strongly increase the chance of getting a bid?

#3  by: From most to least   

From most difficult to least:
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Kappa Sigma
Pi Kappa Phi
Chi Psi
Phi Sig

By: From most to least
by: Jabroni jonMay 7, 2014 1:57:02 AM

yes, this is spot on, ka and sae are kinda the same level though

By: Jabroni jon
#4  by: USC   

What about the ones outside of the village?

by: USCMay 8, 2014 11:31:18 AM

They hand bids out pretty easily if they're not in the village and some of them will give bids to anyone. While this is an accurate ranking, it's still difficult to get a bid from Chi Psi, Beta, Phi Sig, or Pi Kapp.

#5  by: Correct   

This site loves to hate on Beta. But, because they have a house on the row, they have become rather exclusive now.

By: Correct
by: noMay 11, 2014 2:00:20 AM

they're losing their house after this year so....

By: no
#6  by: No   

Guarantee you if you hoot the beta page right now there has been a "top tier" update.

Wow I was right.

Beta sucks, read the reviews that aren't top or even middle tier, those are the true ones.

By: No
#7  by: IFC   

Beta isn't losing their house. Lambda Chi will have to bring in over 40 pledges in the fall for that even to be a possibility. If people weren't so stupid and understood how the houses work then they might know what is actually going on. Theres a reason people have thought LXA was moving back in for the past three years.

by: FYIMay 11, 2014 1:50:28 PM

It isn't Beta's house. It's owned by the lambda chi housing corp, betas just living in it. The more your know

by: themanJun 22, 2014 2:03:21 PM

Yes it is owned by Lambda now and Beta is renting but too bad Lambda queers don't have enough money or pledges to fill the house. It is most likely going to be bought out in the next year.

By: theman
by: LOLAug 28, 2016 6:01:15 AM

laughing at beta saying they weren't going to lose the house

#8  by: IFC   

And the Lambda Chi housing corp can't pay for it if they can't fill the house and have a strong meal plan. Its simple logic. Duhh Beta doesn't own it but the LXA housing corp makes double the money off Beta, where LXA almost bankrupt them.

by: ummmmMay 11, 2014 5:05:18 PM

...tick, tock beta...tick, tock...

By: ummmm

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