
the TRUTH about ZTA

by: exposed

As an active member of Zeta at South Carolina, I can tell you much of what is said here is true. I rushed thinking I had found my forever home. Pledging had some fun times. And then came initiation where I wore all my white everything, learned the "secrets" that really aren't so secret. But once we got initiated, it was like the honeymoon was over. Suddenly the masks came off, other so called sisters treated us like outcasts and cold. When I asked why this was happening, I was told this is a business and that's how it is. So here I sit, surrounded by people who all bash each other (and every other chapter) and then pretend to like each other, act like mean girls and then get mad and even more mean when they get called out on it. I considered dropping out but I have seen that drama unfold and it's just easier to go along with it all for now, politely address MC and sisters", sit in our triangle and do the hand squeeze at each meeting knowing it is meaningless. As for those who say we pay to have negative reviews taken down, yeah, sometimes. We can't have all the dirty details out there otherwise we have a whole other problem with low membership. We will literally pay money to keep the truth from getting out. Funny thing is that truth is one of the ritual things yet there is only lies at this chapter. I wish someone would have told me all this before I was initiated but whatever. It is what it is. To the PNMs, just be aware and alert and don't believe everything you are told. And keep in mind, you may seem negative reviews here about ZTA, but think about what the ones we paid to have taken down must say. My only goal in posting this is to let PNMs know what my experience has been because it's unfair to be deceived until initiation when it is too late. Go through rush and listen to your gut instincts. Good luck!

Posted By: exposed
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#1  by: HAGS   

Unfortunately this is not only true for ZTA and the mask comes off for many sororities at some point, after initiation or worse like second or third year when you’re in too deep. Some are just more blatant about it with their members than others.

At a 3 or 4 hundred-person sorority its scientifically about impossible to develop an actual connection with everyone enough to make it feel like you’re all “sisters” and family. “Pledging” with 100 girls doesn’t create a actual bond like it can in comparison to 30 fraternity guys. OP is right in saying these organizations are run like a business and not always in the interest of the members. PNMs follow your heart and you’ll have a great time as a freshman but unfortunately it’s just not built to really last forever at USC. And that’s alright, sometimes you outgrow stuff anyway.

#2  by: Whoa   

If what you say is true i feel bad for you and your experience sounds awful. Hopefully you have found a group of real friends in there and can focus on that

By: Whoa
#3  by: Fake   

Anddddddd you can tell this is fake considering ZTA doesn't call them MC's.......... if you're gonna bash a sorority at least make it look more believable

By: Fake
by: UmJan 15, 2022 4:41:29 PM

What is MC

By: Um
by: Not trueJan 18, 2022 6:55:05 AM

Yes it is fake

By: Not true
#4  by: what   

Im also an active member of zta and while its not all rainbows and butterflies im kind of confused about half the things ur talking abt... we don’t refer to pledge classes as mcs, we refer to them as pcs, and we don’t do any "triangle thing" at each chapter Lol. Im aure there definitely are times when people in the sorority don’t love it, but dropping zta is so easy and there is literally no drama about it at all ive had plenty of friends drop where all they did was text our president to tell her and that was that. Just confused what half the stuff youre talking about because theyve never addressed any posts on greekrank at all

By: what
#5  by: Not true   

This is a troll - they are posting the same exact post word for word on Auburn for Sigma Kappa

By: Not true
#6  by: sorry    

let me tell you why this makes zero sense and is complete nonsense and it’s not bc you’re talking ab zta. you could be talking ab any sorority and it would be bs because one no one cares if people drop there is no drama.. these sororities have 300 people you think anyone is worried about you dropping ? number 2 sorority and fraternity membership is expensive and a time commitment. people drop solely for those reasons all the time so if you really hated it and it was as awful as you claim, then no way would you pay all this money to be an “ active “ member and surrounded yourself with people you don’t like in a situation you hate... that would be completely ridiculous...finally a random member of a large sorority would have no “inside information” about paying to take posts down or anything like that and if a sorority can take down posts why not take down this one totally bashing them? whatever you’re going through that made you take the time to make all this up I hope your okay

By: sorry

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