


Hi I might be attending next year and I want to go through sorority rush! I heard it can be difficult for northern girls to get bids though. Is that true??

Posted By: chicago girl
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no. just be yourself.

By: stop.

that's not true at all. be yourself.join where you fit in. you will fit in.

By: no

It's very difficult for Northern girls to go through rush unless you know someone.

By: yes

Rush is hard, but go with an open mind not a set choice. Normally if you have a set choice, you're setting yourself up to be let down. GET RECOMMENDATIONS.

By: Kinda

Just be yourself. I have friends who have gotten into great sororities being from the north with no recommendations. You'll be fine

By: No

It's not like it used to be. Even adpi has Yankees now!!

By: K

The use of the term "Yankees" says it all.

By: @K

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Hi...the advice about being yourself is true. Also, smile and dress nicely. Like it or not...appearance does count. I'm from the North and had a wonderful Rush experience last year. I joined a sisterhood that is considered one of the top 6 here and also preffed another top sorority too. I am truly thankful for my sisters and decision to go though Rush. I wish the best for you.

By: 2012 Rushee

I'm from the North and I had recs and I knew girls but that still wasn't enough. I would not get your hopes up for a certain house because even if they love you, you still have a better chance of falling through the "cracks" because many times the girls from SC and other surrounding states know people here and they will help each other out. I would definitely make sure you have recs and also if you have any connections to girls here I would reach out to them and let them know about your interest in rush.

By: 2013 rushee
by: umm   

thats called dirty rushing and it is against the rules of recruitment for pnms and active members to have contact. Its especially illegal for a pnm to try and shmooze their way in by talking to active members in the sorority or for active members to try and convince a pnm to join her chapter.

By: umm

Seriously? There is more Dirty Rushing going on at USC by the actives and the pnms! Quit giving such bad advice and being a hypocrite!

By: Hahaha!!
by: LOL   

But really, you're delusional if you don't think dirty rushing is prominent at USC. Everyone knows that's how most of the houses here pick their girls and you cannot truthfully say that girls don't do it. If an active knows someone from their town or a friend of a friend is rushing that year, you can bet that they are going to be looking out for that girl, and she has a better chance of getting in over some random.


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