
sorority reputations


What are the typical reputations of each sorority on campus?

Posted By: usc bound
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ALL of the chapters here at USC are amazing and have so much to offer. If you are a PNM, I will give you this advice: reputations are not important. They will not help you during rush. They are hardly ever even true. You should come through rush with an open mind, be yourself, and you WILL find the house you BELONG in. It is as simple as that. If you come in wanting only one sorority because you hear its the best one then you will likely be disappointed.

By: sorority

if you can't get laid, go tri delt
gamma phi-brator
KKG=Krispy Kreme Grabbers
easy DZ
a chi holics
phi moo
adpi=bible huggers
hold my crown while i go down(zeta)
kd=old money chubbier
high o(chi o)

By: lolz
by: USC18   

How rude...ignore this person. They, themselves must be drunk or high

By: USC18
by: Bump   


By: Bump

don't take what you read on here seriously. Go through rush and make up your own mind. The old saying of "listen to your heart" is true. You'll know where you want to end up and who you want as sisters. Ask yourself who you'd like to be brushing your teeth next to for the next 3 years or who you can feel comfortable with without your make up on.

By: Please
by: So true   

I wish people would stop with the tiers on here. Every sorority here has their strengths and weaknesses, their beautiful girls and not so, their skinny girls and not so, etc. That's what life is about...diversity. People are unique. It's what on the inside that matters anyway. By the way...no one is going to care what sorority you were in or what tier it was after you graduate. Get over it.

By: So true

I totally agree with all these posts about being open minded while rushing. It's literally impossible to generallize an entire sorority. When each one has 250-300+ girls, you're going to find every type of person in each one. What's important is finding the group of girls with whom you feel like you can be most yourself. Trying to place each organization into top and bottom tiers is catty and childish and does nothing to promote unity within our amazing and growing greek community. Love all of you beautiful greek ladies.

By: panhel love

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