
what are the real sorority rankings here?

by: Haylie

What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
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Page 6 of 15
#51  by: KDCutie89   

So many girls fighting for top tier. smh get like us

By: KDCutie89
#52  by: lol   

oh em gee if you're not top tier kill yoselfffffffffffff <3 why even go to kollege rite?

By: lol
#53  by: Lets be real   

This school has outgrown a three tier system. Times are changing. This is it now, in order:


By: Lets be real
#54  by: sororitygirlusc   

tri delt & adpi -->top
KD & Zeta -->a little lower but still top
AChiO, DZ, XO, PhiMu -->middle
KKG, AGD, GammaPhi -->bottom

By: sororitygirlusc
#55  by: 63   

no way in hell xo is behind dz no way.

By: 63
by: truthJan 6, 2013 11:24:53 AM

or AXO for that matter.

By: truth
#56  by: After this year   

Top: ADPi, DDD, KD, ZTA (but falling)
Upper Mid: XO, AXO
Lower Mid: DZ, Phi Mu
Bottom: KKG (maybe rising?), Gamma Phi, AGD

Just my opinion, but I think this is pretty accurate after the new pledge classes.

By: After this year
by: More likeJan 6, 2013 11:29:46 AM

In no particular order...
Top: ADPi, KD, XO, DDD
Upper Mid: ZTA, AXO
Lower Mid: DZ, Phi Mu
Bottom: AGD, KKG, GPhi
And no, I'm not in any of the Top strats. I'm basing this on my interactions with the girls I know on campus.

By: More like
#57  by: ummmmmm   

top: adpi kd ddd
upper mid: zta axo xo
lower mid: dz phi mu
bottom: keg(rising) gphib and

By: ummmmmm
#58  by: USCgirly   

Seriously chi o is a bunch of girls who were nerds in high school who think they're cool now

By: USCgirly
by: .Jan 8, 2013 1:05:29 AM


By: .
by: Ha Ha HaJan 9, 2013 11:49:17 AM

If they are nerds...then I want to be one. All the Chi O's that I know are beautiful, sweet, and yes, smart girls. I see them out having fun all the time. They seem to be above all the drama that other houses have too. I hope to rush this fall and they would be my first choice.

By: Ha Ha Ha
by: seriouslyAug 27, 2013 11:09:27 PM

wait so true lol

By: seriously
#59  by: Yeah   

I'm in chi o, you better believe I had a great GPA in highschool and I still do. Since when is being smart such a bad thing? You're ignorant for saying what you did. We were all good girls in high school, yeah we have some bad apples, but doesn't every sorority?

By: Yeah
by: LolSep 13, 2018 1:14:32 AM

I heard it was in xo’s bylaws that they had to post on greek rank...looks like nothing has changed

By: Lol
#60  by: USC   

ADPi will always be top
KD is top but not quite ADPi
AXO, XO, KKG are on their way up
DDD, ZTA are on their way down
DZ, PhiMu, and GPhiB are the same
and AGD is pretty much just everyones left overs

by: truthJan 23, 2013 6:13:27 AM

the above is correct. I am not in kkg but i definitely think they are above bottom tier now.

ADPi/KD are the only two sororities that consistently stay on top. kd is nothing special but for some reason they are overshadowed by the rest of the top tiers trying to defend their status or middle tiers trying to move up. adpi is boring and strict but the most selective. grey area: axo, xo,zta, ddd depends who you ask.
middle:dz phi mu kkg
bottom: gphi and agd

in my opinion these are all great sororities that would be good at any school, we just have so many wonderful groups of women and not all of them can be "the best of the best" we should all be proud to be sorority women

By: truth
by: HeyJan 23, 2013 9:18:23 PM

ADPi wasn't always top here. When my Mom went here, she said ADPi was mid tier at best. They had nothing but nerd girls. I guess they slowly worked their way up. They are just one of several very good sororities here today...not above everyone else though. A lot of girls didn't like them this past fall because of their clicqy reputation.

By: Hey
by: USC18Jan 24, 2013 11:15:52 AM

Hey...that's so true. I went through rush that past Fall and also asked my Mom who was top when she was here. She said XO was the best, then followed by DDD and KD. She said ADPi was just OK and wasn't too popular. They were all weird, nerdy girls. So see, things do change. I didn't really like ADPi this past Fall either. They were just fake and anybody with a brain could see that. I heard they even had a couple of their own legacies drop them.

By: USC18
by: Not An AdpiJan 25, 2013 5:14:33 PM

I'm an ADPi legacy and I dropped them after first round. Very fake and no sisterhood. Didn't seem like fun either. if ur a pnm go XO! Best decision I ever made!

By: Not An Adpi
by: adpiJan 27, 2013 12:53:46 PM

Regardless of the "tiers"...you can call adpi nerdy or boring all you want but don't try to degrade our sisterhood when you've only stepped in our house one time during rush. Rush is the most superficial process ever for EVERY house. I'm an ADPi and consider my sisters to be the most fun, loyal, ambitious girls I've ever met. Hop off.

By: adpi
by: carolinaDec 18, 2013 11:41:03 PM

I don't get the ADPi clique thing. Its not cliquey, and from what I can see its pretty much the all around sorority. They seem like really genuine girl. I've never heard of anyone dropping them...sometimes people say that if they didn't get a bid.

By: carolina

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