
what are the real sorority rankings here?

by: Haylie

What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
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Page 5 of 15
#41  by: hahaha   

Put AXO back up a tier

By: hahaha
#42  by: USC   

After recruitment this year:
Phi Mu

#43  by: greeeeek   

why does chi o think theyre top tier...sorry but even if things change but if anyone were to rise into the top tier axo would be the first to do so for sure. the girls are pretty, down to earth, and know how to have a good time. the ranking has been and still is ADPI DDD ZTA KD AXO XO DZ PHIMU KKG GPHI

By: greeeeek
by: UghDec 17, 2012 10:43:12 AM

The above comment was obviously written by a jealous AXO. AXO is known as Almost Chi O for a reason. Except now, they are not even Almost Chi O. Chi O has risen to the top and you have stayed in the middle.

By: Ugh
#44  by: Wow   

In no particular order:

By: Wow
by: Yeah ^Dec 18, 2012 10:07:08 AM

That's exactly accurate.

By: Yeah ^
#45  by: almost   

except tridelt is slipping... ridiculously quick

By: almost
#46  by: wtf   

omg chi o is not top tier...if any middle tier sorority were to rise up it would be alpha chi hands down.

By: wtf
by: ProbablyDec 20, 2012 10:59:05 AM

Because you're in AXO

By: Probably
by: lolDec 23, 2012 1:18:48 AM

seriously chi o stop trying to rank yourselves. we all know its just you guys posting on here to try and make yourselves look better. ddd kd zta and adpi will always be top 4.

By: lol
#47  by: wtf   

and i have never heard of it referred to as "almost" chi o...

By: wtf
by: Ha Ha HaDec 21, 2012 11:46:48 AM

Well everybody else calls y'all that behind your backs, of course.

By: Ha Ha Ha
by: ummDec 23, 2012 12:55:03 AM

maybe chi o's call them that but no one else does. maybe YOURE just jealous.

By: umm
#48  by: Yeah   

I had ADPi, KD, ZTA, AXO and XO for my third round and XO was no doubt at the bottom of my list. They are just average. Nothing really stood out about them except they were kinda sporty and that's not my thing. Ranking as I see it is:
Top tier: ADPi, KD, DDD
Middle tier: AXO, XO, DZ
Bottom tier: KKG, ZTA, Phi Mu, GPhiB, AGD

ChiO and AXO are both getting better, as well as DZ. KKG is too but they are just starting to. KD and DDD have been slightly slipping each year and ZTA is obviously slipping. ADPi is still strong and GPhiB is still weak. Phi Mu is just there and AGD is just confusing.

By: Yeah
#49  by: yallarerediculous   

Top Tiers are solidly: ADPi & Tri-Delt. Also KD and ZTA could be the lower end of Top tier.
Mid Tier in order from top to bottom of this tier: AXO, XO, Phi Mu, DZeta, AlphaGam
Bottom tier: KKG, GPhiB (sorry but GammaPhi is just not respected here, not very pretty, super smart, or popular)

By: yallarerediculous
by: thankyouDec 29, 2012 3:28:17 PM

finally someone puts everyone in their place.
ladies, you all are gonna dream to be a top tier. but if youre not chosen, which many of you wont, youll have to settle for mid or bottom. thats just how competitive rush is. the only reason why there are so many arguments is cuz you all WISH you were at the top. for all you lucky girls who can get in a top tier coming in for spring rush, have fun. BEST FOUR YEARS OF YOUR LIFE

By: thankyou
by: My responseJan 3, 2013 11:16:03 AM

to thankyou. Except that you forgot to mention that top tier sororities shouldn't have to have a spring rush. That either means they didn't meet quota during fall rush or had a lot of girls drop. I heard that both DDD and ADPi had t give out snap bids this year. Top tiers don't have to do that either. My, My, My...what is this world coming to?

By: My response
by: oldrowMay 6, 2013 8:31:39 PM

@thankyou...ADPi and DDD went snaaaaaaaaaaap. because daddy's cash won't buy IQ.

oooops! stinks for you!

By: oldrow
#50  by: yesmaam   

Get greek or get out. forreal. Tri-Delta, KD,and Alpha Delta Pi on toppp
sorry but those girls run this campus

By: yesmaam
by: My responseJan 3, 2013 11:18:41 AM

Ha ha...lol. Those girls don't run anything but their mouths and their Daddy's credit card bills up. GET REAL.

By: My response

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