
what are the real sorority rankings here?

by: Haylie

What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
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Page 3 of 15
#21  by: PNM    

From what I've observed, Chi O is def. back to top tier status. Everybody loved them during rush. They got a great pledge class. The girls there were all sweet, pretty girls. Also had a really good GPA. I had some great conversations there. I had to drop out of rush this year, but hope to be invited back to them next year.

#22  by: yeah okay!   

good try zta! chi o is actually better now sorry! maybe even alpha chi! sorry!!!!!

By: yeah okay!
#23  by: Hi   

Omg chi o is never going to be top tier nice try but the tiers will and probably will stay for awhile are:

Middle: AXO, XO, PHI MU, DZ
Bottom: KKG, GPhiB, AGD (only cause they're new)

By: Hi
#24  by: 2012 rushee   

This is from a recent rushee's perspective. I liked Chi O better than DDD, ADPi or Zeta. If DDD and Zeta are supposed to be top tier, then this system is whacked. I thought both of them were full of phony girls. Chi O seemed like genuine, but also pretty and smart girls. I didn't pledge them because they, unfortunately, didn't ask me back to pref. I should be mad and bitter about this, but I just liked those girls. I pledged someone else and am now happy in my decision. From what I observed tho, the tiers have changed with Chi O moving up and others down.

By: 2012 rushee
#25  by: Why?   

why are people getting so defensive about saying chi o is top tier? They are def top five for sure. Water can change ladies and from everything that I have observed THIS year, chi o is easily just as good or better than ddd adpi zta

By: Why?
by: OkayOct 22, 2012 5:54:47 PM

Let's all agree that things are changing. HOWEVER change takes time. And right now the rankings are:
ddd adpi kd (zta)
dz phimu axo
kkg gphib agd

and changing to:
ddd adpi kd (xo)
axo dz phimu
kkg gphib agd

By: Okay
by: TruthOct 23, 2012 10:39:28 AM

I agree...why is everybody trying to say Chi O isn't top tier? Well ladies...things change. From the looks of things, Chi O is definitely back to top tier status. Don't try to bring someone else down just because you don't like the truth or change.

By: Truth
by: Greek FriendOct 23, 2012 3:00:33 PM

It's only the Zetas on here saying Chi O isn't top tier. They know they've been replaced and it hurts. They're just mean girls.

By: Greek Friend
#26  by: HAHA   

ok chi o.. just shut up you are not top tier

#27  by: hey    

only a zta will say this anymore^

By: hey
#28  by: hello!   

I don't think ZTAs care enough to write on this site... the girls i know could care less. they already know they're better than chi o, they don't need to write on a website full of chi os to prove themselves

By: hello!
#29  by: Greek Friend   

Why all the hate on here for Chi O and Zeta? Can't they both be top tier? I think they are. There's room at the top for both. Don't let your insecurity for your own sorority bring down others. You have to admit there were a lot of quality girls that went through rush this year and Chi O got a great pledge class. Let's show some Panhell love on here and keep it classy.

By: Greek Friend
#30  by: But Really   

Gamma Phi
Phi Mu

That's more like it.

By: But Really
by: okay what..Oct 25, 2012 5:50:06 PM

dream on dz, zeta is still top 5 even if xo is above them, gamma phi is still dead last, and youre still bottom-mid teir below axo

By: okay what..
by: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAug 26, 2014 7:52:25 PM

HAHAHAH I think this is all hilarious considering gamma phi didn't even meet quota this year with their 80 something PERSON PLEDGE CLASS


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