
what are the real sorority rankings here?

by: Haylie

What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
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#11  by: truth   

yeah #10 is right

By: truth
#12  by: Texas Tech   

I'm looking at transferring from Texas Tech University since it doesn't have my major - I'm a Zeta. Just curious what thoughts were on the chapter here - hard to trust these sites sometimes but our chapter is top tier and very, very strong (we have lots of national awards). Just want to see if it's as strong here and as involved as mine is!

By: Texas Tech
by: junior greekOct 4, 2012 5:32:58 PM

ZTA is definitely still a top-5 sorority here, even though it's got a mixed reputation. They're known for having hot girls, but they're also known for not being the brightest and for partying too hard. They're losing ground to some mid-tier sororities really quickly. Still pretty involved on campus, but I don't see them staying in the top tier for more than a couple more years.

By: junior greek
#13  by: Texas Tech   

Good to know! Thank you very much - I'll only have two years left anyway!

By: Texas Tech
#14  by: a   

I want to know what exactly makes a sorority top tier..
If we're basing it off of actual facts and involvement, here is the spring 2012 report
www.sa.sc.edu/fsl/files/2010/10/Greek-Report-Spring-2012- FINAL.pdf
Every sorority has different strengths, like Gamma Phi does the most service hours but doesn't make the most money for charity and ZTA has the lowest GPA but the 2nd highest amount of money raised for charity.
So to me, I don't really get what everyone bases top-middle-bottom tier off of. Looks? Social Life? Grades?
To me, I think it's

Top Tier

Middle Tier
Chi O, A Chi O, DZ, Phi Mu

Bottom Tier
Gamma Phi, KKG

By: a
#15  by: a   

sorry the link didnt work. it's www.sa.sc.edu/fsl/files/2010/10/Greek-Report-Spring-2012-FIN AL.pdf

By: a
#16  by: Greek friend   

I think that's they way it used to be. But, ZTA has gone down hill over the past few years. NOW it's

Top Tier

Middle Tier
A Chi O, DZ, Phi Mu, ZTA

Gamma Phi, KKG

And who knows where AGD (the new one) fits in yet.

By: Greek friend
#17  by: anon   

Top Tier:
tridelt, adpi, KD

Middle tier:
Achio, chio, phi mu, zeta, DZ

bottome tier:
gamma phi, kkg

By: anon
#18  by: More Like...   

Top Tier:


Mid Tier: ZTA, AXO, DZ

Bottom: GPhi, PhiMu, KKT

By: More Like...
#19  by: IMO   

I'd say XO is on the cusp between top and mid, but I don't know if they're top...yet. Definitely above zeta now though.

#20  by: idkkk    

if chi o is top but i've heard good things about the pledge class. much more preferred than zeta

By: idkkk

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