
what are the real sorority rankings here?

by: Haylie

What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
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Page 11 of 15
#101  by: PNM   

Forgot DZ. middle

#102  by: actually   

since dz is always bashing other sororities and trying to self rank i think they deserve to be bottom tier. it think its more like
top: adpi, chi o, alpha chi, kd
upper middle: tri delta, zta
lower middle: phi mu, alpha gam, kkg
bottom: dz, gphi

By: actually
#103  by: Rank   

ADPI, ddd, zta, xo
Kd, axo
Dz, ph mu
Kkg, g phi, agd

By: Rank
by: AlmostAug 26, 2013 11:47:16 AM

Just move xo up one and the rest is accurate

By: Almost
by: ExceptAug 26, 2013 12:06:37 PM

Move axo and kd up, ddd and zta down

By: Except
#104  by: Unbiased    

Phi mu
G phi

By: Unbiased
by: Unbiased Aug 26, 2013 12:45:34 PM

I didn't mean to put axo and xo twice! They axo #2 and xo #3

By: Unbiased
by: My thoughtsAug 26, 2013 2:40:35 PM

I would still say XO is above AXO. AXO doesn't jump to #2 with just one good pledge class.

By: My thoughts
by: UhDec 18, 2013 11:46:40 PM

ADPi and KD are definitely above XO and AXO...

By: Uh
#105  by: User   

Adpi gave snap bids

By: User
by: ummAug 26, 2013 5:53:38 PM

i think someone's trying to start rumors...i would be VERY surprised if ADPI gave out snap bids

By: umm
by: UserAug 26, 2013 5:55:47 PM

Ok adpi. It's only covered up because of your member on soco

By: User
by: PmnAug 26, 2013 6:29:50 PM

Were a couple of houses fined?
Way to go Phi Mu with dirty rushing. Empty promises are the worst! Shame, shame

By: Pmn
by: wellAug 26, 2013 6:30:54 PM

actually I'm an AXO, not an ADPI. But i really would be surprised because girls always love ADPI during rush, and especially since it is considered one of the "top" sororities by most people on campus, girls are always interested in accepting a bid from them.

By: well
#106  by: Ha   

Not even chance that ADPi gave snap bids they had the highest return rates all week.

By: Ha
by: UmmmAug 27, 2013 11:50:13 AM

How would you know anyone else's return rate? You don't know that unless you are in the chapter.

By: Ummm
by: NopeDec 18, 2013 11:47:41 PM

Ya ADPi definitely didn't give out snap bids...rumors.

By: Nope
#107  by: seriously   

the rankings in terms of looks, class, personalities

KD, DDD, XO, AXO, ZTA top in no particular order

Phi Mu, DZ, KKG, GPB middle. there is no way xo axo or zta are same tier as dz get real.

AGD bottom still

By: seriously
by: YesAug 28, 2013 5:33:05 PM

I completely agree with this.

By: Yes
#108  by: Nah   

No way is AGD below KKG & GPHIB.

By: Nah
by: @NahAug 28, 2013 5:36:10 PM

Um, yes way. One pledge class doesn't make you better. Maybe equals, but not better.

By: @Nah
#109  by: K   

it's not like that one pledge class was good... and kkg is so underrated - there are still some weirdos but overall really classy fun sporty girls - middle tier with dz and phi mu, and I know this isn't necessarily the popular opinion but better than both of those!!

By: K
#110  by: omg   

Being un-biased and in an unnamed "middle-tier" sorority, here it is.

Top: KD, DDD, ADPi
Upper middle: ZTA, XO
Lower middle: DZ, AXO, PhiMu
Bottom: AGD, KKG, GPhiB

AGD is only at the bottom because their chapter is only a year old. This could change soon. Looks like they're moving up, in my opinion..a lot of it due to their good pledge class this year.

If I see one more ZTA self-ranking, oh my god.....YOU ARE NOT TOP TIER.

By: omg

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