
16 pc


Kappa / Phi Mu
AGD / Gamma Phi
Pi Phi

Posted By: 2016
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I agree with this. You forgot DZ though. It pains me to say it, but from the pictures I've seen I'd put them behind AGD and in front of Gphi.

By: Agreed
by: Really   

You don't think they did better than agd?

By: Really
by: Honestly   

Honestly from the pictures I've seen no. I'm not the OP and I'm not in either sorority but honestly DZ has slipped

By: Honestly
by: Agreed   

Not from what I've seen. They really got a mixed bag this year.

By: Agreed
by: yep   

i saw some random really hot girls in dz and gphi... not a ton, but both definitely had a couple. hopefully getting a few of those here and there can help them recruit and continue to do well. all are great groups of girls.

By: yep
by: Ya   

Agree some super hot ones in DZ and AGD that may help them alot mixed in with randoms. let's face it we all want hotties representing especially if nice too

By: Ya

snap thoughts - not necessarily in order

adpi is still one of the best, but their pc's have dropped the last couple of years, bringing them down a little. still great, but not best anymore.

DDD took a great group of girls, and kind of resolidified themselves as the top (since adpi's slipping the last few years).

zta took some really nice girls who seem to be the complete package, and are moving away from some of their negative stereotypes. their positive stereotypes (hot) are still true.

axo took a really great class as well. a lot of yankees, but some really pretty girls that the top houses were going after.

xo also took an awesome class. we know they are all known for the chill, laid back, fun girls, but it looks like they took some homecoming queen, take home to mom type of ladies this year.

kd moved up with their PC. getting back to their tradition of the more southern types. definitely a solid group.

top 6 still the same, but the order might change a little.

By: mm
by: mm   

also, don't sleep on kappa. great girls

By: mm
by: My thoughts   

I thought AXO, DDD, Kappa, and KD had some pretty girls and should be proud! ZTA had some really pretty ones too although they had some ninjas sneak in. ADPi had a mixture of pretty and cute. I haven't seen enough of XO to give an opinion.

By: My thoughts

This ranking is so accurate. Adpis pledge class may be even worse than last years though

By: Yes

ADPI's pledge class was HUGE .. What was the motive to take so many BIG girls?

By: Courtney
by: Just In case   

Come on, they didn't really. The may be slipping - ok, the definitely are, but they are still very good.

By: Just In case

I heard DDD, ZTA, XO and KD killed it. Got the girls they wanted.

By: Sisters
by: Yes   

Heard the same thing. Congrats to those 4 chapters and everyone else too.

By: Yes

KD did VERY well for themselves this year, definitely no more lower top 6 anymore. And axo did surprisingly well too.

By: Trues

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by: well   

very true. kd did great but still probably stuck in that 4 spot.

By: well

i'd agree with this, although some would say xo might be above axo, or vice versa. that might be what the / is for though, then axo is just listed first because alphabetical. both are great.

By: well
by: Green   

One thing I noticed about xo / axo this year is that they both took girls that were a little "off script" (in a good way) for them - which is great. xo took a lot more blonde, stereotypically like adpi types, while axo seemed to take a lot more brunettes lol, exotic, stereotypically like zeta type girls.

Not saying either of them took girls from those sororities more just a good comparison of the types of girls they took hat deviated from their usual chill, cute hippy (xo) and sporty, girl next door (axo) types

By: Green

I tend to agree with this one... Top 6, we all know who's more the top top 6 and the bottom top 6, just some shuffling along the way. All killed it.

By: i

is accurate

By: this

Because this phi mu / agd bs must stop

By: Bump

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