
sorority comments


University of Georgia - UGA General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 313 of 508

wasnt under the control of any sorority to get rid of all the nasty comments on here. AGD had no power over that. Theyre now number three because they had lots of nice comments after all the bad ones were taken off, and truthfully, they deserve to be there! They are all sweet and caring girls who deserve nothing but nice comments! And also, they obviously do not have more nice ratings than every other sorority or else they would be number one

By: It

Wow. AGD must have girls assigned to watch greek rank comments 24/7 to provide rebuttals to any negative comments. Everytime something is written about them they have a come back. This equals not popular, not social and not involved in anything but their own selves. Notice the true top sororities are not on her all the time and that is why they are lower ( PM, KD, KKG, KAT ADP ). It really is pitiful and shows very little class. This is why their true rank should be 1s.

By: Truth

But you are on here supporting thoses sororities, isn't it the same thing? (My guess is that you belong to one of the listed ones) Post positive about those below and negative about one sorority. How is that any different than ranking on their page? None of this is real. Not everyone looks for the same thing when going into a sorority. Thus, they are all different and have good and bad. This site will never reflect truth.

By: Friend

This is hilarious and so obvious that AGD is so desperate that they have to constantly comment on this page. Just take a peek. They even try to disguise by breaking up the all 5s and adding some 4s. This is the only place they will be in the top 3 and it is only a web page.

By: whatajoke

awful how many negative and hurtful comments are posted on this site. All sororities at UGA are good and there is nothing bad to say about any of them, especially when you dont even know the girls. All of us went through the same recruitment process and we all chose our house based on which one we fit in with best and liked best. No one is better than anyone else because of the house they get into! Instead of bashing other sororities we all need to support each other instead!

By: Its

it's obvious that a lot of houses self-rank. So why does only one or two sororities get called out for it? I looked at all the pages today, and there are some girls who comment on their sorority pages saying things about loving their sisters and being the best and ranking all fives, obvious self-ranks. But those aren't the houses that get called out. AGD is a full of wonderful girls, and judging by the purely hateful comments posted on their page, they deserve to be able to self-rank all they want and need to just to make sure that PNM's don't see that hurtful, disgusting crap if they look on here during rush. No one should have to see those types of comments, period. DG, AGD, KD, PM, XO, or my own sorority; no chapter on campus is so bad or good that they don't deserve the same treatment as everyone else.

By: Actually

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Don't base your decision on this page. Really pathetic sororities and their pathetic friends are self ranking and monitoring any time someone writes something and ranks below a 4. If there is any negative written they are on it like flies on stink. Beware of the self rank here!

By: Dear PNM

All of the rankings on this site are completely false. There are either positive comments written most likely by people in the sorority or negative comments posted by girls in other sororities who are trying to move their sorority up the list. In the end, all of the comments, the good and the bad, are completely false. Truthfully, its best not even to look at this site or read the comments!! Going through rush you will see which ones are the best and will be able to make a good decision based off of your own experiences!

By: To PNMs

Potential New Member (PNM), do not listen to this website. All of the sororities at UGA are great and full of beautiful and classy ladies. I have had the best time of my life here so far and I love all the girls in my sorority. That's what being in a sorority is about, not popularity and what frats you're going to have socials with. Sisterhood is the real reason to join a sorority, not popularity. I wish this website didn't exist bc it misleads so many PNMs.

By: PNMs

Based on unbiased southern tradition, strong sisterhood, beauty and brains and social skills: ZTA, KKG, DZ, KD, AOPi

By: Top 5

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