
sorority comments

by: GR Administrator

University of Georgia - UGA General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
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Page 301 of 508
#3001  by: ALL Gators   

are stupid for continuing to come on the UGA forum and stir up trouble! you look pathetic, as if you weren't already pathetic enough.

By: ALL Gators
#3002  by: ALL Gators   

Are stupid for continuing to come on the UGA forum and stir up trouble! you look pathetic, as if you weren't already pathetic enough.

By: ALL Gators
#3003  by: Tee hee   

Somebody's knickers are in a knot, eh, Gator?

By: Tee hee
#3004  by: You   

are SUCH A MORON - posting the same things over and over - I am here at UGA - and you are so annoying - pages and pages of ridiculous comments. Do you honestly think that your ridiculous postings about UF give you cover - ZTA stop this woman she is ruining your reputation.

By: You
#3005  by: You   

are SUCH A MORON - posting the same things over and over - I am here at UF - and you are so annoying - pages and pages of ridiculous comments. Do you honestly think that your ridiculous postings about UF ZTA give you cover - Gators, you need to stop this woman she is ruining your reputation. Waaaaah! I want my ni-ni!

By: You
#3006  by: Come   

on ladies - saying bad things about moms? Whoever did that certainly crossed the line. Surely a Sorority can say something nice about their moms and for once the mean girls would be quiet. Please!

By: Come
#3007  by: Has   

anyone seen the crazy rant on the ZTA page - someone telling a poster to blow their brains out or slit their wrists. Does anyone edit these things - this should be stopped. Totally unacceptable.

By: Has
#3008  by: Oh Then   

it must be YOU ranking Zeta with all ones all day long AGAIN! that's not acceptable! i seriously doubt anyone takes this site seriously!

By: Oh Then
#3009  by: Can't Stand   

the heat? get out of the kitchen!!!!!

By: Can't Stand
#3010  by: Just   

because you don't agree, doesn't mean it's right or wrong! freedom of speech!

By: Just

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