
Alpha Phi and Delta Gamma hate?


Why do APhi and DG seem to be so controversial on here? I really liked both houses during rush, their PCs seem really cute, and the girls I know who got bids there all seem really excited about where they ended up.

I’m not gonna directly mention other sororities in this post, but APhi and DG seemed more competitive during recruitment than a lot of the other houses they seemed to be ranked in the same tier with on GR. But that genuinely doesn’t match what they seem like in person so I really just don’t get the hate?

Posted By: Confused
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Stfu DG, no one cares about you #donutgrabbers boooo

By: deeghater
by: Booo   

Stfu “deeghater” no one cares about YOU!! #touchgrass boooo

By: Booo

For DG just like other houses they have cut a legacy. But the same DG legacy felt entitled to a bid and goes around posting on this site negative items and then even appears to pose to answer her own posts. Like getting rid of boyfriend that will not let you go so weird. As for mom's I really doubt they care this much as DG was never the bottom at UGA. Or mom's are so invested in Alpha Phi. Assume they are happy for their daughters to find a house. It is challenging for those houses not at UGA as long.

By: no way

Lots of trolling on here. Like 90 percent of the negative posts come from just a handful of posters. The aphi stuff sometimes seems very personal. I think the rule of thumb on gr should be to disregard the hate posts which clearly have an agenda and only consider information that seems constructive. Most importantly trust your own eyes and instincts. Your fit is your fit. All houses have plenty of good things to offer. And I would say believe the positive posts more so than the negative for any house. People on here call it self-ranking (happens all the time)like it’s a negative but if the girls in the house like their own house that’s a good thing not a bad one. Would someone puff their own house if they didn’t like being there? Anyway hope you got a great house that works for you. DG and Aphi have great girls in them and I’m sure you’ll be happy in either.

By: Don’t buy it

Just one point DG and Alpha Phi are newer to campus. Alpha Phi established with what some may say is one of the nicest houses on Campus causing hurt feelings in some of the other houses. DG established with an awful midcentury house and DPHIE also had an awful one back in the day. DG's house was rebuilt with a new facade to make it blend with the more established historic home sororities and DPHIE when they established back on campus chose a more traditional looking house. Sadly, one has to assume some house envy impacts recruits when they know so little about the girls in the houses the look at where they would be living. Case in point DZ is renovating their 1980's looking house. Homes do not make the sororities but sometimes knowing not a lot people do join a group with the better house.

By: houses matter
by: houses matter    

No UGA sorority house has mold. Historic does not mean mold. All the UGA sorority houses are kept up. Hence this is why DZ is updating. All sororities have great members and all of them have odd members. For some they do pick based on a house as they cannot decide between their last two homes. People select houses for different reasons we are not all the same. Shallow maybe but equally odd to think in less than a week you would be crying at preference. To each their own. Some sisters are into historic preservation and housing councils. Most agree UGA has some of the best houses in the SEC. My sister with a disability was in a mid house not me. My sister is top tier material but UGA has stereotypes and girls that jump like you did to conclusions. Again when you make assumptions about people it is odd. Again as I said odd girls in every house.

By: houses matter
by: Yup   

No doubt Aphi came in guns blazing with that big house of theirs and they’ve been recruiting like a top tier for a few pcs now. That doesn’t sit well with the Old Row types. Lots of animosity there.

By: Yup

Most of the people on Greek rank are simply not in top tier sororities (they know they’re good, so they don’t feel the need to promote their house on here)

The girls in mid/bottom tier sororities obviously don’t want any other lower ranked houses to improve, since if houses like APhi and DG are moving up, then by default, that pushes other chapters lower in the ranks.

You see this literally every year. A couple of mid/bottom tier houses get better PCs than normal, and suddenly half the posts on Greek rank start hating on them + any post that ranks them higher gets flooded with downvotes and comments accusing them of self-ranking.

APhi has absolutely crushed it every year since they colonized, which is why they get lots of hate, and DG has been gradually improving for 2-3 years now.

I’m a senior in DPhiE, so I literally do not give af about rankings, but it’s pretty funny when people compare DG and APhi to us when we don’t pref the same girls as them at all lol

By: Simple
by: houses    

My point both DPhiE and DG have gotten better houses in the last few years impacting recruiting. DG was one of the inclusive religious sororities since colonization at UGA. At the time UGA even had sororities selecting based on religious status. Glad times have moved forward and all of the houses are great! Always loved DPhiE and have many friends in the house.

By: houses
by: Simple   

Yeah I’m super excited for our new members who can actually get the opportunity to live in the renovated DPhiE house! I think having a nice, stable house will help so much with recruitment and retention/chapter morale in future years :)

By: Simple

I just hate DG the same way UGA hates Auburn. They could recruit only the hottest, most outgoing PNMs, and I’d still consider them to be on par with DPhiE. DG will never climb out of bottom tier as long as they exist at UGA

By: Nah
by: thoughts    

perhaps you can benefit from counseling and getting involved in campus activities beyond greekrank

By: thoughts
by: y'all need counseling.   

literally why? being so preoccupied with hating a specific greek org is pathetic and sad. dg girls deserve respect and decency just like all human beings. they're people not pawns for you to unleash your insecurities on. seek help, this isn't normal.

By: y'all need counseling.
by: Wtf   

Some of the nicest girls I’ve met are in DG, so idk what your issue is. Guessing they cut you after round 1 of rush or something

By: Wtf

Bro shut up

By: Hi

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