
curious abt AXID


I had a terrible experience going through rush as a freshman and dropped. Mostly for personal problems I was dealing with the time and not actually rush itself. Throughout the past year, various chapters have reach out for either spring rush or snap bids. I didn't feel at home with them though, idk. However, I'm super curious about axid. I spoke with the girls from the national chapter and it seems like a cool opportunity to start something new. I'd have a higher chance of getting to be on exec within the first year (I'm super passionate abt their philanthropy, something I talked abt with the girls). Should I go through their separate rush process? I'm just scared that once I get in I won't get the full sorority experience. Beyond that, that axid will have a weird rep for the rest of the time I'm at uga. Thoughts?

Posted By: hi
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Honestly you’re probably better off to go some bottom tier sorority if having more of a full sorority experience is important to you. Even though they are considered “bottom,” you still get that full experience to some extent.

By: truth

Anyone interested in the new chapter should go through rush first. Especially since your second time around will be much easier and you will have some different perspective this time. You can decide what you want to do after prefs and if you're not feeling it then don't put down any house on your card and go for the new one, but give yourself as many options as possible first.

By: rush first
by: rush first   

I will also point out that the girls from AXiD national are NOT the girls that you would be in the chapter with. They are older girls who have already had their sorority experience and are here to conduct the membership selection process after formal recruitment is over, get everybody initiated, set up the chapter structure, and then step away completely. They would not be your chapter sisterhood. The membership will make or break your experience. Think carefully about that. The same goes for ranking your pref houses. Look around at the other girls at the pref parties with you. Many of these will be your new member class and the ones you will do everything with. They will be most important to you, not the older girls who are rushing you.

By: rush first
by: this is my post    

this is also rly great advice! i alrdy went thru rush last year but i see what you’re saying!

By: this is my post

Helping (re)found a chapter is a unique experience, one most of us don’t get to have. I understand it’s hard work, but am told it’s worth it. Analyze why you want to join a sorority- is it for the sisterhood, supporting a philanthropy, living in the house, fraternity parties, organized study halls, etc.? You will get that experience with any of the sororities, AXiD included( I don’t know their arrangements for a house-a good question to ask). As you pointed out, you might be able to be a chapter leader fairly quickly within a colony. AXiD will most likely participate in the first round of recruitment and then hold the rest of their parties after formal recruitment. Typically, if you decide you want to go for AXiD, you would let your recruitment counselor know that, and you would formerly withdraw from recruitment. Then your name would be put on a list on interested women. Please understand that you can withdraw at anytime during formal recruitment, even after pref parties. If you wait until then you still tell Panhellenic you are withdrawing and DO NOT sign your MRABA card. If you sign the MRABA card and get a bid from either of the houses you preffed, you are tied to that sorority until formal recruitment 2024-even if you drop out before initiation . If you initiate, you can never join another NPC sorority, so just be careful going through the process, decide what you want, and go for it! Good luck!

By: AxiD experience
by: hi again    

this is such great advice, tysm!!

By: hi again

you’ll find your place! so many girls rarely get the chance to start a chapter at their school. it’s such a cool opportunity! not to mention, if u end up on exec and say that u helped found, that’s excellent for a resume. you aren’t going to get these types of benefits elsewhere; well u could, but it would prbly harder. all in all, I think u should go for it :)

By: Go for it!
by: this is my post    

hi, thanks so much! I’ve been giving it a lot of thought and i rly think im gonna go for it :)

By: this is my post

How did AZD get picked? Was there a vote?

By: ???
by: hey   

yea, they got voted in by Panhellenic

By: hey

there’s no harm in trying. if u don’t like it you can always drop🤷‍♀️ btw i see a lot of people saying to go through rush, but you said you already went through rush. i guess they just didn’t read lol. i think axid is a great option to get involved and founding is a opportunity that most girls can’t relate to and/or won’t get. don’t let anymore try to dull your thought process with the whole “bottom sorority” bs. just give them a try

By: anon

i heard they're gonna be hella selective with this establishment class. that is, assuming they even get enough girls to fill up a full class size. i think its smart though that they're rushing outside of regular rush. that way, they can get both girls who aren't in greek life and/or are looking for a diff way to get involved AND the girls who drop out of regular rush.

By: info

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by: actually   

That's not smart being up to them, that's just standard procedure for any NPC sorority establishing a new chapter. Be there to introduce themselves in first round of rush and then step out, then start interviewing and getting a founding class together after rush is over. They will be especially looking for upperclassmen to form their first exec. They will not have as large a new member class as the established sororities, and will be small for a while. Their dues will be higher because of needing a house.

By: actually
by: “ACTuAlY”   

so what if then end up being smaller? it’s still an experience few of y’all will ever get. no need to try and dull it lol.

By: “ACTuAlY”
by: ^   

Hey there AXD rep. We see you. You must be an AXD GA Tech alum. Promoting yourself on greekrank is a bad start. Next thing you know next year you'll be posting about how AXD is rising fast in the ranks. "COLoniZiNg".

By: ^
by: ^^   

we see u. this is what ppl are talking about with greek rank. there’s no need to b so defensive about greek life OR be worried that someone’s gonna take your spot in the ranks. we’re all just here to have a good time at college. calm yourself :)

By: ^^
by: Haha    

Then WTF are you on here, AXDi rep? Because you just proved that you are. Somebody commented the truth about new chapter establishment process and stated it would be small and dues would be expensive to afford a house. All true, and you are the one who got all defensive. Are you going to be truthful with pnm's? CaLm yOUrSelF

By: Haha
by: bruh    

bc trolling ppl like u is fun. u care too much about it sis :)

By: bruh
by: ^   

Hahaha who's trolling who

By: ^

There's a downside to establishing a new sorority and if that sorority is not being up front that's a $hitty way to start. Being on here in the first place is also a $hitty way to start. Go through rush first before you even think about joining a new sorority. Even if you rushed before, almost every single pnm has a much better rush the second time. If it doesn't work out then you can consider the new one. This is what an NPC sorority coming on should be advising pnm's to do as well as being up front about the facts. That is what they are supposed to do.

By: Truth
by: this is my post    

this is what they suggested to me to begin with- going thru rush again. however, im not sure if it’s the right choice for me. thanks for the advice though!

By: this is my post

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