suicide bidding on saturday
by: sgI really feel like I will need to suicide bid come saturday. Only got three houses back for tours and love 2/3, however the one i don't like i would never accept a bid from. How risky is it truly and would it be worth it to cob??
#1 by: #1
So sorry you feel this way! In my opinion, the best option is to rank all houses. The houses you pref know if you suicided, and it can look bad. However, be very honest with your bottom house. Don’t be rude, but tell them you don’t see yourself at their chapter and are in love with the other house youre preffing. If you do this and have a good convo at the house you like, it should work out in your favor!
#2 by: Suicide bid
Tell the house you love that you see yourself joining their sisterhood!! Suicide bidding puts you at the bottom of the list when it comes to houses giving out bids (at least that’s what I’ve been told) so it doesn’t necessarily make you look bad to the house, they just can’t take you if they’ve reached their quota (with girls who put down two houses)before they are able to extend a bid to you. I did suicide bid, and it worked in my favor, just make your intentions VERY clear to the house you see yourself in, but also mentally prepare to get released from formal recruitment. There’s almost no way you wouldn’t receive a COB call, but make sure you know what could happen.
#3 by: Actual Factual
So much bad info on here. SIP (suicide) does not put you at the bottom of the bid list. The houses do not know how you rank them at any point in the process. Bid matching works like this: You rank your houses 1 & 2, and the sororities rank all their pnm's in order on their bid list. The algorithm starts at the top of a sorority's ranked list and tries to match with the pnm's who put them at 1. If necessary, the algorithm makes another pass down the bid list and tries to match with the pnm's who put them at 2. The bid matching process for a house stops as soon as they reach quota at any point in the process. If you are high enough on your 1's bid list to match before they reach quota you will get a bid from them. If not, the algorithm will try to match you with your 2. If you aren't high enough on their list either, you will be a quota addition to either house. The algorithm will try to place you with your 1, but will also consider your place on both bid lists and the number of quota additions to place. This is how you are guaranteed a bid if you rank both houses. If you SIP and you are not high enough on that house's bid list to match before they reach quota, you are out of the process and will not get a bid at all. No quota additions for SIP. If you only have one house at pref and put them on your card you will get that bid.
With all that said, nothing you say to get yourself dropped from one house will get you invited back to any that you want. The same goes for pref; trying to get a house to rank you low does nothing to get you ranked above the quota line at the house you love. Tell the houses you love how you feel. Be ambiguous with #3.
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by: sgAug 17, 2022 6:17:27 PM
why would it look bad?? honestly just curious, i thought it might show how bad i wanted that house