
Sorority reputations?

by: Al

I just committed to uga and I’m nervous about rush next year. There’s two older girls from my HS who are in ADPi and Zeta. What are their reputations? Are the girls nice? I’ve heard mixed things about both

Posted By: Al
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#1  by: fff   

Don’t go either of these to be honest

By: fff
#2  by: you good   

Those are both great houses. If those girls pull for you during rush it can help you at those two.

By: you good
#3  by: nope    

Adpis have a stick up their ass

By: nope
#4  by: Rush   

Both are very popular houses but also very competitive. If you know those girls and they like you you have an advantage. It is not enough that they went to your high school. The good news about UGA is there are lots of good houses, they all do the same stuff (socials, date nights, etc) and if you want to be in a sorority and keep an open mind things tend to work out. Plus UGA has a lot of other social outlets so plenty to do even if you do not pledge somewhere.

By: Rush

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